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- Exchange 2007 @how_to
- ge Server, so that Exchange Server sends outgoing mail through VPOP3 and VPOP3 sends any incoming mail directly to Exchange Server. You should first of all set up VPOP3 to send and receive Internet email as normal. Note that these instructions are spec... ferent PCs===== ====Setting up Exchange to accept mail for the appropriate domain==== - On the Exchan
- Setting up VPOP3 to work with Exchange 2003 @how_to
- ge Server, so that Exchange Server sends outgoing mail through VPOP3 and VPOP3 sends any incoming mail directly to Exchange Server. You should first of all set up VPOP3 to send and receive Internet email as described in the online help. =====VPOP3 and... s==== Because both VPOP3 and Exchange Server are mail servers, they may both try to use the same TCP/IP
- Mail Connectors -> Mail Senders -> SMTP Direct @reference
- ======Mail Connectors -> Mail Senders -> SMTP Direct====== VPOP3 can be configured to send mail directly to the recipient's mail server (or the recipient's mail service provider). Usually this is onl
- Mappings @reference
- OP3, Mappings are a way of explicitly linking an email address to a user or list. They can also be used to indicate that an email address is remote, even though it would otherwise appear to be a local email address. In other email servers, a similar feature may be called 'aliases' =====Implied Mappings=====
- How To Allow Mail Relay Through VPOP3 @how_to
- =====How To Allow Mail Relay Through VPOP3===== If you are allowing remote access into VPOP3 [[Allow Remote Access to VPOP3 Mailboxes|to collect mail]] then you may also want those remote users to be able to send their outgoing mail through VPOP3 as well. This is more complex than allowing users to collect mail, because, by default, SMTP connections are not au
- Sending mail from different email addresses or domains @how_to
- ======Sending mail from different email addresses or domains====== VPOP3 does not (by default) place any restrictions on which email addresses or domains you can send mail from. However, there may be external restrictions on which email
- Mail Connectors -> Mail Senders @reference
- ======Mail Connectors -> Mail Senders====== The Mail Sender tells VPOP3 how to send mail out to the Internet. If you want to send mail for specific users to
- SMTP -> General tab @reference
- POP3. The SMTP service is how users send outgoing mail, and how incoming SMTP messages arrive. ====Serv... ut will also allow unencrypted sessions from the email client * TLS - VPOP3 requires TLS encryption, a... 3 will require users to authenticate when sending mail via VPOP3. This applies to all connections, unles... ally if you are going to be wanting users to send mail from across the Internet (eg from mobile phones e
- Incoming SMTP Feed @how_to
- eed====== An incoming SMTP feed is where incoming mail is sent directly to your mail server without going through your ISP's POP3 mail server on the way. =====Advantages===== An incoming ... es work correctly without any effort * Incoming mail arrives immediately at your mail server, without
- Using VPOP3 with Microsoft Exchange Server @how_to
- ge Server, so that Exchange Server sends outgoing mail through VPOP3 and VPOP3 sends any incoming mail directly to Exchange Server. You should first of all set up VPOP3 to send and receive Internet email as described in the online help. =====Exchange S... line which says: smtp 25/tcp mail so that it says: smtp 5025/tcp
- ListServer Commands @reference
- offers-list n.b. Use the //list name//, not the email address of the list This adds the sender email address to the specified mailing list. This only works ... offers-list n.b. Use the //list name//, not the email address of the list You can use * as the listnam... ged by this ListServer. This removes the sender email address from the specified mailing list. If the l
- French Webmail Language File @how_to
- ======French Webmail Language File====== Copy/paste the text below to a file 'french.lng' or 'francais.l... in webadminlogin=web admin login webmaillogin=web mail login enterusername=You must specify your VPOP3 u... or account locked out nowebmailpermission=User WebMail permission disabled userdeniedaccessrestrictions=User denied in WebMail Access Restrictions keytimeout=Encryption Key tim
- German Webmail Language Page @how_to
- ======German Webmail Language Page====== Copy/paste the text below to a file 'german.lng' in the VPOP3 ... gin webadminlogin=web admin login webmaillogin=Webmail Anmeldung enterusername=Sie müssen einen Ben... ount ist gesperrt nowebmailpermission=Benutzer WebMail deaktiviert userdeniedaccessrestrictions=Benutzer für Webmail gesperrt keytimeout=Verschlüsselung abgelauf
- Mail tab @reference
- ======Mail tab====== The Mail tab within [[version 4 webmail|VPOP3 webmail]] enables you to manage your sent and received messages. As you can see from the screens
- Spanish Webmail Language File @how_to
- ======Spanish Webmail Language File====== Copy/paste the text below to a file 'spanish.lng' or 'espanol.... in webadminlogin=web admin login webmaillogin=web mail login enterusername=Especificar aca el usuario de... o cuenta bloqueada nowebmailpermission=Usuario WebMail tiene permisos deshabilitados userdeniedaccessrestrictions=Usuario denegado en WebMail, Acceso Restringido keytimeout=La encryptacion ll
- Error message after sending RCPTTO: - error 0 - text 550 5.7.1 Relaying not allowed! Bad sender IP address @how_to
- VPOP3 Webmail/admin service and/or Status service is not listening on correct IP addresses or ports @how_to
- Socket Error 10053 - An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine. @how_to