Fulltext results:
- SMTP Service - Filtering
- TP messages, or locally sent messages. =====SMTP Rules===== SMTP Rules let you create custom rules for processing messages as they go through the VPOP3 SMTP service. The option **Local SMTP Rules on each connection** is usually turned off. If th
- Download Rules
- ======Download Rules====== Download rules are a facility in VPOP3 where it can look at message summary information before dow... o not work on incoming SMTP messages - use [[SMTP Rules]] for that) To edit download rules, go to [[Mail Connectors]] -> [[POP3 Collection|Mail Collectors]], g
- Autoresponder
- *Go** will select the autoresponder, and show the rules which will trigger the autoresponder in the table... defined autoresponders are used, depending on the rules defined for the autoresponders. ====Autorespond... ve defined the autoresponder, you can create the 'rules' ====Autoresponder Rules==== Each autoresponder you have defined can have zero or more rules Each auto
- Prune Rules
- ======Prune Rules====== The **[[edit a user|Edit User]] -> Prune Rules** tab can be used to create/edit rules which cause messages to be automatically deleted according to spe... at should happen to messages. You can edit prune rules which apply to all users by going to Settings ->
- Message Rules
- ======Message Rules====== The **[[edit a user|Edit User]] -> Message Rules** tab can be used to create/edit rules which are processed when messages arrive in a User's mailbox. Th... ead, delete them, etc VPOP3 will process Message Rules in the order they appear in the list. If you want
- Copy SMTP Rules - Database Query
- ======Copy SMTP Rules - Database Query====== This is an advanced Database action. There is no simple que... INTEGER := 0; BEGIN FOR rl IN SELECT * FROM rules.smtprules WHERE service=fromid ORDER BY ruleid LOOP INSERT INTO rules.smtprules (service,rulephase,ruleorder,name,orrul... eturning ruleid into newruleid; INSERT INTO rules.smtpruleconditions (ruleid,invert,field,compariso
- LAN Forwarding Scripting
- ript to see and potentially modify LAN Forwarding Rules PreprocessRules(return path, recipient, check ... ollector, recipient local part, recipient domain, rules) * return path = original return path * reci... rt of the recipient's email address after '@' * rules = table of LAN forwarding rules, each table entry is another table containing * InAddress - address
- What's new in version 5 webmail?
- ows you to manage multiple autoresponders and the rules which trigger them.\\ To access the [[Autorespond... y go to **Tools -> Autoresponders** =====Message rules===== Message rules are a powerful new feature in version 5. You can create rules to perform a range of actions, based on predefine
- Settings -> Diagnostics
- rity Log** - //security.log// * **View Download Rules Log** - //dlrules.log// * **View MAIL.LOG** - /... onnection Log** - //connect.log// * **View SMTP Rules Log** - //smtprules.log// * **View Virus Scanne... log, smtpclt.log, nntpclt.log |1024 | |Download Rules Log |dlrules.log |100 | |SMTP Rules Log |smtprules.log |100 | |Security Log |security.log |100
- Spam Filter Rules
- ======Spam Filter Rules====== VPOP3 Versions 2.1.7 and later have a built-in spam filter system which sup... h it will cost for us to do it. =====Spam Filter Rules Files===== VPOP3 reads the spam filter rules from the spamrules.txt file in the VPOP3 folder on the VPOP... in the specified order. The standard spam filter rules files that are distributed with VPOP3 are: * *
- Database query to alter LAN Forwarding rules for one server to go to another
- ======Database query to alter LAN Forwarding rules for one server to go to another====== If a LAN forwar... fails, you may wish to change the LAN forwarding rules to point to the new server. (Note that, if planni... he password is 'vpop3pass') Then, type UPDATE rules.lanforwarding SET server='<new server>' WHERE ser... respectively. Don't include the <>. eg UPDATE rules.lanforwarding SET server='' WHERE ser
- Users
- ] * [[User Aliases|Aliases]] * [[User Message Rules|Message Rules]] * [[User Quotas|Quotas]] * [[User Address Book|Address Book]] * [[User Signature|S... nced]] * [[User Media|Media]] * [[User Finger Info|Finger Info]] * [[User Prune Rules|Prune Rules]]
- POP3 Mail Collection
- ver, 0 to delete immediately (2) * Use Download Rules - this tells VPOP3 to use [[download rules]] to examine message headers before they are downloaded and p... e headers and other information * Edit Download Rules - press this button to edit the [[download rules]] * Attempt to remove duplicate messages - VPOP3 will
- Webmail Tabs
- Autoresponders tab|Autoresponders]] ^ [[Message Rules tab|Message Rules]]//†// ^ [[New Message tab|New Message]]//‡// ^ [[View Message tab|View Message]]/... te and manage your autoresponders\\ The [[Message Rules tab]] (requires VPOP3 Enterprise) allows management of message rules for applying a range of automated, criteria-based
- Lua Scripting
- ontrol|SMTP MX Control]] * [[Lua SMTP MX server rules|SMTP MX Server Rules]] * [[Lua SMTP Server Script|SMTP Server Scripting]] * [[Lua POP3 Client Script... Signature Script|Signature Scripting]] * [[SMTP Rules Script|SMTP Rules Scripting]] * [[User Delivery Script|User Message Delivery Scripting]] * [[User Ma