
LogDB.Messages table

The LogDB.Messages table contains a record of all messages logged by VPOP3. A message is logged when a message is sent/received/etc.


  • msgid - this is a bigint sequential value which identifies the message uniquely in the database
  • sessid - this is a bigint value linking this message to a session (or 0 if it is not linked to a session)
  • subject - the subject of the message
  • fromaddr - the from address of the message
  • authsender - the authenticated sender (if any) of the message
  • size - the size of the message (in bytes)
  • datetime - this is the date/time when the message was processed (in UTC)
  • spam - boolean value indicating whether the message was marked as spam or not
  • triggeredrule - contains the name of a download/SMTP rule which was triggered by this message (if any)
  • errorcode - this is text containing any error detail about the session (eg invalid password etc)
  • processtime - the time taken to process this message (in seconds)
reference/logdb_messages.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/14 10:45 by