Fulltext results:
- French Webmail Language File
- =Are you sure you wish to permanently delete this message? confirmdeletemsgs1=Are you sure you wish to permanently delete these confirmdeletemsgs2=messages? managefolders=Manage Folders #header msgsininbox=Message(s) in Inbox. webmailhead=WebMail menuMessageList=Message List menuNewMessage=New Message menuAddressBook=A
- German Webmail Language Page
- =Are you sure you wish to permanently delete this message? confirmdeletemsgs1=Are you sure you wish to permanently delete these confirmdeletemsgs2=messages? managefolders=Verzeichnisse verwalten #header m... onfirmtrashmsg=Are you sure you wish to move this message to the trash folder? confirmtrashmsgs1=Are you sure you wish to move these confirmtrashmsgs2=messages to the trash folder? emptyTrashConfirm=Are you s
- VPOP3 Deleting messages as 'old' messages
- ======VPOP3 Deleting messages as 'old' messages====== If VPOP3 says 'deleting old message' in the [[status window activity log]] that means that it has seen the unique ID of that message before, longer ago than the time specified for VP
- Repairing corrupted database
- ding the problem table/index===== Often the error message will say something like: Invalid page header i... ilenode=<filename>; In the above example error message <filename> would be replaced by 512312 If 'kind'... cted chunk number error for toast value..' in the messages.msgdata table then this means that one (or more) message records have been corrupted. 'toast' records in
- Mail Not Downloading From ISP
- ly happens because you have told VPOP3 to ''Leave Messages On Server'' (on the Mail Connectors -> Mail Coll... P3 General tab). If you do this, VPOP3 will leave messages on the ISP's mail server for several days, and r... time it connects it will see that there are some messages waiting, but it may find that it has already dow... again. See also: [[Making VPOP3 re-download POP3 messages from the ISP]] for details on re-downloading old
- How to Obtain Message Headers
- ======How to Obtain Message Headers====== Most people are familiar with mail headers such as From:, To:, Su... = ====Version 5==== Either: * When previewing a message, click ''Options -> Show Headers''. The headers w... s entire contents. Or; * When viewing an opened message, click the ''Headers'' button, so that it is high... copy the text. ====Version 4==== When viewing a message, click ''Options -> Show Headers''. The headers w
- Training the VPOP3 Spam Filter
- r===== The Bayesian filter this looks at words in messages sent and received and their probabilities of bei... spam, and works out an overall probability of the message being spam or not-spam based on the combination o... f those probabilities. * Every time you send a message, the words in that message are learnt as being words found in not-spam. * Every time you receive a messa
- Restricting the number of messages sent
- ======Restricting the number of messages sent====== Some ISPs set restrictions on the number of messages that you are allowed to send in a certain time period, eg 50 messages per hour, or the number of messages that you are allowed to send per connection. =====Restriction of mes
- Copy Outgoing mail
- ding on your exact requirements: * [[reference:Message Monitoring]] - this copies all outgoing, incoming... ic users to another specific user * [[reference:Message Archive|Message Archiving]] - this copes all outgoing, incoming and internal mail to an archive store in V... be searched by an administrator and view/copy the messages from the archive * Shared IMAP4 folders - this
- How to move messages between users
- ======How to move messages between users====== There are several ways to do this, depending on your exact ... trator Console===== You can view a user's 'Inbox' messages by clicking on the message count on the **Users** list, then select the messages, choose the target user, and press the **Move** or *
- VPOP3 is using a lot of disk space
- ata there, so it has to use the disk space. =====Message Storage===== In VPOP3 version 5 and later, all users' messages are stored in the database, so they will occupy ... folder. In VPOP3 versions 3 and 4, users' small messages are stored in the database, so will occupy space in the VPOP3\pgsql\data folder. Large messages are stored in the VPOP3\_messages folder tree, s
- Spam filter not working
- e first thing to do is to look at the [[obtaining_message_headers|message headers]] of an incoming message to see if the spam filter is being run at all. Check to see if a header line beginning with **X-VPOP3-Spam** is in the message headers. ====X-VPOP3-Spam header line does not e
- How to remove messages from the outbound queue
- ======How to remove messages from the outbound queue====== To delete messages from the VPOP3 'OutQueue': - log into the VPOP3 sett... counts list. This will show you a list of all the messages waiting to be sent by VPOP3 - Select the messages you want to delete, and either Hold or Delete them. H
- Seeing where a message came from
- ======Seeing where a message came from====== Sometimes you need to check to see where a message really came from. The 'From:' email address is ea... The first thing you have to do is to [[obtaining_message_headers|get the full message headers]]. These may look daunting, but are very useful for problem diagnosis
- Delete OutQueue messages directly from the database
- ======Delete OutQueue messages directly from the database====== If there is an extremely large number of messages (eg hundreds of thousands) in the VPOP3 OutQueue... e for VPOP3 v5 and later to start as it check the message database tables for consistency during initialisa... 3pass At this point you may wish to see how many messages there are, and see if you can work out how they