Fulltext results:
- Mail Connectors -> Mail Senders -> SMTP Direct
- ======Mail Connectors -> Mail Senders -> SMTP Direct====== VPOP3 can be configured to send mail directly to the recipient's mail server (or the recipient's mail service provider). Usually this is onl
- Mappings
- OP3, Mappings are a way of explicitly linking an email address to a user or list. They can also be used to indicate that an email address is remote, even though it would otherwise appear to be a local email address. In other email servers, a similar feature may be called 'aliases' =====Implied Mappings=====
- Mail Connectors -> Mail Senders
- ======Mail Connectors -> Mail Senders====== The Mail Sender tells VPOP3 how to send mail out to the Internet. If you want to send mail for specific users to
- SMTP -> General tab
- POP3. The SMTP service is how users send outgoing mail, and how incoming SMTP messages arrive. ====Serv... ut will also allow unencrypted sessions from the email client * TLS - VPOP3 requires TLS encryption, a... 3 will require users to authenticate when sending mail via VPOP3. This applies to all connections, unles... ally if you are going to be wanting users to send mail from across the Internet (eg from mobile phones e
- ListServer Commands
- offers-list n.b. Use the //list name//, not the email address of the list This adds the sender email address to the specified mailing list. This only works ... offers-list n.b. Use the //list name//, not the email address of the list You can use * as the listnam... ged by this ListServer. This removes the sender email address from the specified mailing list. If the l
- Mail tab
- ======Mail tab====== The Mail tab within [[version 4 webmail|VPOP3 webmail]] enables you to manage your sent and received messages. As you can see from the screens
- Mail Collectors
- ======Mail Collectors====== A Mail Collector is how you tell VPOP3 to collect incoming mail. Each **Mail Collector** is associated with one or more **[[Connections]]**. The VPOP3 **[[Schedule|C
- VPOP3 Webmail Help
- ======VPOP3 Webmail Help====== Webmail is a way of accessing your mail using a normal web browser. It is designed to be close in functionality to a 'normal' email client, so should be straightforward to use. If
- POP3 Mail Collection
- ======POP3 Mail Collection====== POP3 Mail Collection is when VPOP3 will collect mail from an external POP3 mailbox - for instance, from an Intern... General===== This page tells VPOP3 how to collect mail. {{:reference:pop3general.png?nolink&|}} * PO
- SMTP Service -> Advanced Tab
- '%' character is allowed in the 'local part' of email addresses (the part before the @ symbol). However... n the 'old' days, using the percent symbol in an email address had a [[http://www.remote.org/jochen/mail/info/address.html#percenthack|common use]] which quic... le.com', and the message would be sent to Apple's mail servers who would strip the @apple.com, and repla
- What's new in version 5 webmail?
- ======What's new in version 5 webmail?====== This is a list of some of the most noticeable changes to VPOP3's [[version_4_webmail|webmail]] interface for version 5. For a more detailed list of changes, view our [[http://bugtracker.ps... ion_id=27|bugtracker]]. {{ :reference:vpop3v5mob_mail.png?300|VPOP3 Version 5 - mobile compatible webma
- Mail Connectors -> Connector Schedule
- ======Mail Connectors -> Connector Schedule====== The Connector Schedule tells VPOP3 when to connect to send mail using [[Mail Senders]] and collect mail using [[Mail Collectors]]. It does not affect [[incoming SMTP]] over a perma
- SMTP Server Lua Scripting
- ceived * **DoMAILFROM()** - called when a valid MAIL FROM command is received * **DoRCPTTO()** - cal... ion is called by VPOP3 when it receives a valid //MAIL FROM// command The **<data>** is the raw data after the //MAIL FROM:// command\\ The **<mailfrom>** is the address after the //MAIL FROM:// command\\ The **<parameters>** is a table
- Groups
- tive feature. If you only wish to have a list of email addresses to send messages to under one address, ... le group of users at once. However, you //can// email to a group by sending a message to <group.name>@<... This is because you can use the group name in an email address. =====Deleting a group===== To delete a ... embers cannot access their accounts (but incoming mail to the users will still be delivered to their mai
- Misc -> Advanced Tab
- the plugin once at a time. ====Max Hops==== In email, a 'hop' is when a message is passed from one mail server to another. When a message is received, most mail servers will count the 'hops' which a message has... may have got stuck in a loop somewhere - eg if a mail server is misconfigured, a message may be sent ba