Fulltext results:
- Spam Filter Rules @reference
- ement_foreach|ForEach]] * [[spamrules_statement_getaddresstype|GetAddressType]] * [[spamrules_statement_getdecodedsection|GetDecodedSection]] * [[spamrules_statement_getgeoip|GetGeoIP]] * [[spamrules_statem
- How to move messages between users @how_to
- s** list, then select the messages, choose the target user, and press the **Move** or **Copy** button ... the 'Inbox' folder, but only move them to the target user's Inbox. In earlier versions of VPOP3 you ca... ernative is to [[IMAP folder sharing|share the target user's folders]] with the source user, and then d... CT * FROM users.users;** - find the source and target users and note their **usernumber** values (they
- LAN Forwarding Scripting @reference
- pts There are two global variables set: * MessageType - this is the state VPOP3 is in when calling t... a message should be LAN forwarded or not * MessageType2 - if MessageType is "check", this contains more information about the stage of internal processing... cipient- "PreprocessRules" is called first, then "GetReturnPath" is called if the message will be LAN F
- Database query to alter LAN Forwarding rules for one server to go to another @reference
- it may be easier to use DNS host names as the targets in the rules, so you can simply change the IP ad... 3pass') Then, type UPDATE messages.outgoingtargets SET target='<new server>' WHERE target='<old server>'; Where <new server> and <old server> are the IP address
- Lua Scripting @reference
- ]] * [[os.setsafety]] * [[os.sleep]] * [[os.getdirectory]] * [[os.timedexecute]] * [[VPOP3.GetSetting]] * [[VPOP3.SetSetting]] * [[VPOP3.ExpandAddress]] * [[VPOP3.GetUserList]] * [[VPOP3.GetUserSetting]] * [[VPOP3.SetUserSetting]] * [[VPOP3Net.GetDNSRecords]]
- Spam Filter Rules: HTTPGet @reference
- ======Spam Filter Rules: HTTPGet====== ^Statement |HTTPGet | ^Version |2.3.7+ | ^Purpose |Enables the script to retrieve a web page | The **HTTPGet** statement requires a url, headers variable name and content variable name, in the format HTTPGet <url> <headers variable name> <content variable n
- German Webmail Language Page @how_to
- choosefolder=Verzeichnis wählen... selecttargetfolder=You must select the target folder. confirmdeletemsg=Are you sure you wish to permanently delete ... y Messages v4movewindow=Move Messages v4dragmessagetext=Message v4dragmessagestext=Messages v4dragfoldertext=Folder v4dragfolderstext=Folders v4targetfolder=Target Folder v4targetuser=Target User v4co
- Spam Filter Rules: WinHTTPGet @reference
- ======Spam Filter Rules: WinHTTPGet====== ^Statement |WinHTTPGet | ^Version |2.4.9+ | ^Purpose |Enables the script to retrieve a web pa... e using the WinINET functionality | The **WinHTTPGet** statement requires a url, headers variable name... and content variable name, in the format WinHTTPGet <url> <headers variable name> <content variable n
- French Webmail Language File @how_to
- =Msg(s) in choosefolder=Choose folder... selecttargetfolder=You must select the target folder. confirmdeletemsg=Are you sure you wish to permanently delete ... y Messages v4movewindow=Move Messages v4dragmessagetext=Message v4dragmessagestext=Messages v4dragfoldertext=Folder v4dragfolderstext=Folders v4targetfolder=Target Folder v4targetuser=Target User v4co
- Spam Filter Rules: GetSectionMD5 @reference
- ======Spam Filter Rules: GetSectionMD5====== ^Statement |GetSectionMD5 | ^Version |2.3.6+ | ^Purpose |Performs an MD5 hash on a ... e specified variable in hex encoded form | The **GetSectionMD5** statement requires a message section number and variable name, in the format GetSectionMD5 <message section number> <variable name
- Spam Filter Rules: GetSectionEncoding @reference
- ======Spam Filter Rules: GetSectionEncoding====== ^Statement |GetSectionEncoding | ^Version |2.3.9+ | ^Purpose |Retrieves the MI... s the result into the specified variable | The **GetSectionEncoding** statement requires a message section number and variable name, in the format GetSectionEncoding <message section number> <variable
- Spam Filter Rules: GetDecodedSection @reference
- ======Spam Filter Rules: GetDecodedSection====== ^Statement |GetDecodedSection | ^Version |2.1.11+ | ^Purpose |Returns a specifi... intable encoding of the raw message data | The **GetDecodedSection** statement requires a message section number and variable name, in the format GetDecodedSection <message section number> <variable
- Error Handling Scripting @reference
- ings would filter it out, or you could set the target to <blank> to suppress the message even if it wou... title_id>, <title>, <template_id>, <message>, <target>, <sender>) * component - number indicating wh... ate * message - text of the message body * target - email address of the target * sender - email address of the sender The function should return 5
- Spanish Webmail Language File @how_to
- s) en choosefolder=Seleccione carpeta... selecttargetfolder=Ud. debe seleccionar la carpeta destino. co... sajes v4movewindow=Movar los mensajes v4dragmessagetext=Mensaje v4dragmessagestext=Mensajes v4dragfoldertext=Carpeta v4dragfolderstext=Carpetas v4targetfolder=Carpeta de Destino v4targetuser=Usuario de Destino v4copytofolder=Copiar a Carpeta v4copytouser=
- Welcome to your new DokuWiki @wiki
- s now up and running. Here are a few more tips to get you started. Enjoy your work with DokuWiki,\\ --... od way to stay informed on what's going on and to get useful tips in using DokuWiki is subscribing to t... .org|DokuWiki User Forum]] is an excellent way to get in contact with other DokuWiki users and is just one of the many ways to get [[doku>faq:support|support]]. Of course we'd be
- Database query to list messages in the LAN forwarding queue waiting to go to a specific server @reference
- Error message after sending RCPTTO: - error 0 - text 550 5.7.1 Relaying not allowed! Bad sender IP address @how_to