Fulltext results:
- User Manager Script @reference
- ant people to be able to log in using a different username than their VPOP3 username (eg if you want them to be able to log in using an email address), then you can u... er.LUA. VPOP3 calls a function called **TranslateUsername** which should have the following prototype: TranslateUsername(<protocol>, <submitted username>) Protocol indic
- Restore Deleted Calendars @how_to
- _hostname = 'localhost' backup_port = 5433 backup_username = 'vpop3' backup_password = 'vpop3pass' backup_da... _hostname = 'localhost' active_port = 5433 active_username = 'vpop3' active_password = 'vpop3pass' active_da... st=backup_hostname, port=backup_port, user=backup_username, password=backup_password, dbname=backup_database... oldConn.cursor() cur.execute(f'SELECT usernumber, username FROM users.users WHERE username=\'{restore_user}\
- Password Strength Checking Script @reference
- ch should have the following prototype: Check(<username>, <password>, <min password length>) (where '<mi... ple to prevent the password being the same as the username or 'password' would be: <code> function Check(Username, Password, minlength) if Password == Username or Password == 'password' then return false else return
- French Webmail Language File @how_to
- =web admin login webmaillogin=web mail login enterusername=You must specify your VPOP3 username here bookmarksnotsupported=I'm sorry, but your web browser does not su... artup! adminonly=Administrator logon access only! username=Username: password=Password: rememberme=Remember me next time I connect<br><em>(not recommended on shared c
- Send Admin Message @reference
- e an individual value for each recipient (e.g. **{username}** will ensure each user's message contains their own username). * **{username}** * **{ldap_//###//}** - the LDAP attribute represented by **//###//**; e.g. **{ldap_... run, it has certain global variables set: * **Username** - contains the username of the user currently b
- Sending mail through your Gmail account @how_to
- res SMTP authentication** box. - In the **SMTP Username/Password** boxes type your Gmail username & password. - In the **Session Encryption** box, choose either ... res SMTP authentication** box. - In the **SMTP Username/Password** boxes type your Gmail username & password. - In the **Session Encryption** box, choose **SSL**
- Import Users From File @reference
- scription ^Accepted values ^ |**User Id** |The username |Any text | |**Password** |The password |Any ... assistant's email address |A valid email address/username | |**Send Only To Assistant** |Whether to dispo... ming mail to this address |A valid email address/username | |**Use Forwarding** |Whether to enable forwar... generated password for each user// * **Use the Username** //This is not recommended, particularly where r
- VPOP3.MarkMessageRead Lua function @reference
- ecified message as read. VPOP3.MarkMessageRead(username, folder, UID, read); * **username** is the username from [[VPOP3.GetUsers]] * **folder** is the folder from [[VPOP3.GetFolders]] * **UID*
- VPOP3.GetMessages Lua function @reference
- ssages in a specified folder. VPOP3.GetFolders(username, folder); * **username** is the username from [[VPOP3.GetUsers]] * **folder** is the folder from [[VPOP3.GetFolders]] It return
- How To Setup VPOP3 Service Security @how_to
- quire authentication, then you cannot restrict by username, as VPOP3 can not know a username, unless authentication is used. If the service allows (but does not requ... y SMTP authentication options, you can specify a 'username' of ''NOAUTH''. This means that access from the s
- Error message: VPOP3 Alert - Non-existent user - <username> @how_to
- Error message: VPOP3 Alert - Non-existent user - <username>====== If you receive an error message like: Subject: VPOP3 Alert - Non-existent user - <username> Delivery Failure Report. There was incoming mail for non-existent user "<username>". This means that VPOP3 downloaded a message us
- Status Monitor (port 5109) protocol @reference
- ansmitted in plain text Send the command LOGIN <username> <password> You will receive a line beginning wi... t as the response. Then send the command ALOGIN <username> <response> You will receive a line beginning wi... response. Then send the command APILOGINALOGIN <username> <response> You will receive a line beginning wi
- VPOP3 Status Monitor Problems @how_to
- then **Configure Status Monitor**, and check the username and password are for a valid VPOP3 administrator ... rrect (usually 5109 - //not 5108//) and check the username/password are set to a valid VPOP3 username/password. * Check VPOP3 is running - try **Start -> Program Fi
- VPOP3.RenameFolder Lua function @reference
- der for the specified user. VPOP3.RenameFolder(username, folder, newname); * **username** is the username from [[VPOP3.GetUsers]] * **folder** is the folder from [[VPOP3.GetFolders]] * **newn
- Handling mail for multiple incoming domains @how_to
- atever is easier for you) ====Preventing normal <username>@<domain> -> <username> distribution==== With the normal settings, this will work for cases where most use... ou use, as VPOP3 won't assume that each user has a 'username@accepted-domain' address as it normally does.
- Database query to list messages in the LAN forwarding queue waiting to go to a specific server @reference