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How To Upgrade VPOP3 to version 5

Upgrading VPOP3 is usually a straightforward process. Download VPOP3 from our web site and back up your current installation just in case something goes wrong. Then simply run the installer that you downloaded and install it over the top of your existing VPOP3. All your settings and mail will be preserved.

Note that if you are upgrading the Major version (eg 1.x-4.x to 5.x) then you will need a new licence key.

If you are upgrading several versions in one go (eg 1.3 to 5.0) then you can still do this in one step, you don't need to install the intermediate versions.

Note that upgrading version 3 or 4 to version 5 involves an upgrade of the PostgreSQL database engine (versions 3 and 4 used PostgreSQL 8.3, version 5 uses PostgreSQL 9.1). An upgrade of PostgreSQL involves backing up the database data, then upgrading the database engine, then restoring the database data. This is all done for you by the installation software, however, if you have a lot of data, this can take a long time (e.g. an hour or more)

Because of the database upgrade, we strongly recommend that you do a database backup before running the installer to perform the upgrade.

If you are unsure how to proceed with the upgrade, then we can do it for you, by remotely accessing your computer over the Internet. This costs the same as a normal support incident (currently £20 + VAT), or if you have an annual support contract, it is included as part of that. See our Support page for details.

Note that we recommend performing the upgrade during UK office hours, so if you have a problem, you can contact us. We strongly recommend that if you have a problem during the upgrade, you contact us as a first step because a failed attempt to resolve the problem yourself will often make it much harder to fix. Support issues relating to problems during the upgrade procedure are not chargeable (but doing the full upgrade for you, or help with any reconfiguration afterwards will be chargeable).

If you can not do the upgrade during UK office hours, but will need help, you can usually pre-arrange to have out-of-hours help, however, this will always be chargeable (usually £50+VAT per incident), even if you have a support contract. Contact us for more information or to arrange this.

If you use our VPOP3 server hosting service, we will arrange with you a suitable time to do the upgrade for you (out of hours upgrades are included with this service).

how_to/upgrade_vpop3_to_version_5.1321287919.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/14 10:44 (external edit)