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How To Upgrade VPOP3

Upgrading VPOP3 is a straightforward process. Download VPOP3 from our web site and ideally back up your current installation just in case something goes wrong. Then simply run the installer that you downloaded and install it over the top of your existing VPOP3. All your settings and mail will be preserved.

Note that if you are upgrading the Major version (eg 1.x to 2.x or 2.x to 3.x, etc) then you will need a new licence key.

The two common pitfalls are:

  • Downloading the wrong version. Downloading the Enterprise version when you have a Standard licence or downloading the Enterprise Evaluation version when you have a registered version already installed will both cause problems when you try to start VPOP3 after the upgrade.
  • Installing the VPOP3 software to the wrong folder. During the install process you will be promted to choose the folder to install VPOP3 into. If you don't install the new version of vPOP3 into the same folder as the old one you will end up with a fresh install with no users or mail although some of the settings are stored in the registry so those will be preserved. VPOP3 is installed to C:\VPOP3 by default.

If you are unsure how to proceed with the upgrade, then we can do it for you, by remotely accessing your computer over the Internet. This costs the same as a normal support incident (currently £20 + VAT), or if you have an annual support contract, it is included. See our Support page for details.

Note that we recommend performing the upgrade during UK office hours, so if you have a problem, you can contact us. We strongly recommend that if you have a problem during the upgrade, you contact us as a first step because a failed attempt to resolve the problem yourself will often make it much harder to fix. Support issues relating to problems during the upgrade procdure are not chargeable (but doing the full upgrade for you, or help with any reconfiguration afterwards will be chargeble).

how_to/upgrade_vpop3.1280324483.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/14 10:44 (external edit)