Fulltext results:
- GDPR for hosted VPOP3 service
- cking itself up to the Amazon S3 data service. We don't set this up ourselves, but, if you set it up or... ked to handle quota restrictions etc, but this is done on the whole of the data, not on individual mess... xcept at your explicit request. This will only be done to try to identify problems with the service or ... w secure password, and inform you of this (if you don't already know). - The hosted VPOP3 servers run
- GDPR for other hosting services (eg web hosting)
- ase to handle quota restrictions etc, but this is done on the whole of the data, not on individual mess... xcept at your explicit request. This will only be done to try to identify problems with the service or ... bsite is being used to host malware. This is only done in exceptional circumstances and we will notify ... w secure password, and inform you of this (if you don't already know). - Websites are hosted on share
- How do I write an email to technical support?
- rably in a ZIP archive to save time/space. Please don't use less common archive formats such as RAR, 7Z... re just telling you to do things you have already done, which is wasting time, and will probably annoy ... within 3 working days (Monday to Friday). If you don't get a response within a day, then sending a mes
- n and DNS record signing, as that will have to be done through your DNS hosting company. If you have r
- GDPR for VPOP3 self-hosted software
- ious about downloading a file from a website they don't know about * the recipient needs to know how
- How do I get support?
- uration issues. (We do not have to do this if you don't want us to). =====By email/web===== - You can
- SMTP Relay Service FAQ
- into a 'text' form before sending. ===What if we don't know what our usage will be?=== Some people buy
- What is the VPOP3 Antivirus solution?
- There are several options available to you: - don't use a virus scanner on the email server at all.
- What is Software Maintenance?
- Software Maintenance is totally optional. If you don't have Software Maintenance, you can still receiv
- What is Software Maintenance?
- Software Maintenance is totally optional. If you don't have Software Maintenance, you can still receiv
- Windows Server Port Conflicts
- Address Book to use the new port number. This is done in the email client settings, and depends on the