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- Lua Scripting @reference
- ======Lua Scripting====== [[http://www.lua.org|Lua]] is a simple scripting programming language often used for embedding ... st users, we have opted to go for a more flexible scripting facility. For general Lua programming instruc... eneral or help you to write or debug your own Lua scripts. We can help with that, but it will be on a char
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- ''combine''//__** all these. You can use <sub>subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</sup>, too. You can use <sub>subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</sup>, too. You can mark something as <del>deleted</del> as well. You can
- Management Scripting @reference
- ======Management Scripting====== In VPOP3 Enterprise, from version 6.17 there is the facility to run Lua scripts manually or according to a schedule. These scripts can do things like access mail folders & messages and... orm some maintenance on them. ====Creating a new script==== In Settings -> Scripts you can create a new s
- SMTP Server Lua Scripting @reference
- ======SMTP Server Lua Scripting====== The SMTP Server [[http://wiki.pscs.co.uk/reference;lua_scripting|Lua Script]] is called SMTPSVR.LUA and can be edited from the Settings -> Scripts page in the VPOP3 settings. This script is calle
- User Routing Script @reference
- ======User Routing Script====== If there is a <username>/user_redirect.lua script, this Lua script can override VPOP3's message routing options. You can edit this either in the Settings -> Scripts page in the settings, or via the 'Routing' tab i
- Scheduled Task Script @reference
- ======Scheduled Task Script====== **Note that this functionality is only available in VPOP3 Enterprise** VPOP3 Enterprise can run Lua script periodically to do custom background tasks. It ca... very minute, 5 minutes, hourly or daily. The Lua script is stored in a file called **scheduler.lua** in t... .6 and earlier, or managed through the Settings → Scripts page in VPOP3 v6.7 and later. The script is lon
- User Delivery Script @reference
- ======User Delivery Script====== (VPOP3 v6.5 or later) If there is a <username>/delivery.lua script, this Lua script can override VPOP3's message delivery options. You can edit this in the Settings -> Scripts page in the settings. This script affects how VP
- Scheduling Management Scripts @reference
- ======Scheduling Management Scripts====== VPOP3 runs a script called scheduler.lua in the background, it will periodically call functions in this script at approximately 1 minute, 5 minute, 1 hour and 1... ate so should not be relied upon for timing. The script is loaded when VPOP3 loads and is kept loaded per
- Custom filtering incoming mail @how_to
- (not contents) * [[Spam filter/content filter scripts]] if you want to filter on message content, atta... ing for a particular user (eg yourself) * [[Lua scripting]] if you have really complex requirements (usually the spam filter scripting will be sufficient and much easier) Apart fro... nding on settings) for Spam filter/content filter scripts and Lua scripting). You could make the rules/scr
- ListServer Commands @reference
- ing list. This only works if the list supports subscriptions. If the list verifies subscriptions, then a message will be sent back to the original sender to confirm the subscription. ===Unsubscribe=== (Can be abbreviated to **u... specified mailing list. If the list verifies unsubscriptions, then a message will be sent back to the orig
- Send Admin Message @reference
- {lua}...{/lua}** - will execute an embedded [[Lua scripting|Lua script]]. =====Using Lua===== On of the options of this facility lets you specify a Lua script in the message to send. This script lets you customise the message for each user. See the [[Lua scriptin
- Spam Filter Rules @reference
- ilt-in spam filter system which supports a simple script language optimised for content- and spam-filterin... rence contains a definition of the spam filtering script language supported by VPOP3. Note that as later v... =Language Introduction===== The VPOP3 Spam Filter scripting language is a very basic language designed to ... ce. VPOP3 comes with a pre-configured spam filter script, and it is recommended that you use that, and mod
- LAN Forwarding Scripting @reference
- ======LAN Forwarding Scripting====== (Added in V8.7) This is stored in the 'LanForwarding.lua' script in Settings -> Scripts There are two global variables set: * MessageType - this is the state VPOP3 is in when calling the script. * message = this is a message received from
- POP3 Client Lua Scripting @reference
- ======POP3 Client Lua Scripting====== The POP3 Client [[http://wiki.pscs.co.uk/reference;lua_scripting|Lua Script]] is called POP3CLT.LUA and is edited in Settings -> Scripts. This script is called whenever VPOP3 runs a POP
- Outgoing Message Scripting @reference
- ======Outgoing Message Scripting====== Every time VPOP3 adds a message to the Outgoing mail queue, it runs a script called **outmessage.lua**. Scripts are stored as files in the VPOP3 directory in VPOP3 v6.6 and earlier, or managed through the Settings -> Scripts page in VPOP3 v6.7 and later. See the [[Lua Scr