
Users.AutoresponderConditions table

The Users.AutoresponderConditions table contains a record of all autoresponder trigger conditions created in VPOP3.

These tell VPOP3 when a particular autoresponder should fire for a particular user. Each autoresponder can have zero or more conditions. An autoresponder with zero conditions will never fire but can be reactivated later by adding a new condition.


  • condid - numeric ID of the autoresponder condition (primary key)
  • autoresponderid - numeric ID of the autoresponder this condition is linked to
  • name - text name of the condition as defined by the user - for display purposes only
  • enabled - boolean. If this is true the autoresponder will fire on this condition. If this is false, the autoresponder will not fire, but the condition will still match (useful for creating 'except' conditions)
  • priority - numeric order of the autoresponder condition. VPOP3 will check higher priority conditions before lower priority conditions
  • usernumber - numeric ID of the user this condition is for
  • datefrom - the date this condition will act from (or NULL to be any date)
  • dateto - the date this condition will act to (or NULL to be any date)
  • timefrom - the time this condition will act from (or NULL to be any time)
  • timeto - the time this condition will act to (or NULL to be any time)
  • datetimefrom - the date & time this condition will act from (or NULL to be any date/time)
  • datetimeto - the date & time this condition will act to (or NULL to be any date/time)
  • dow - text string indicating which days of the week this condition will act on (or NULL to be any day of week) - 0 is Saturday, 6 is Sunday (eg 135 means the condition will act on Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
  • sender - text string to match to the original message sender (or NULL to match any). If this begins with / then it is a regular expression match of the string surrounded by '/' characters, otherwise it is a case insensitive ILIKE match
  • subject - text string to match to the original message subject (or NULL to match any). If this begins with / then it is a regular expression match of the string surrounded by '/' characters, otherwise it is a case insensitive ILIKE match
  • locked - boolean. If this is set then the user cannot modify the conditions for this autoresponder (only an administrator can)

The date & time fields are not equivalent to the datetime field

For instance, a datetime range of 2012-03-10 10:00:00 to 2012-03-17 15:00:00 will act for the whole time period from 10 am on 10th March 2012 to 3 pm on 17th March 2012, but a date range of 2012-03-10 to 2012-03-17 and a time range of 10:00:00 to 15:00:00 will act between 10 am and 3pm on each day from 10th March to 17th March. So, the datetime range will match 23:00:00 on 13th March, but the date & time range will not

You can all both date, time and datetime in the same condition

In any condition all the non-NULL conditions must match for the condition to match.

A condition to match all the time would have the condid, autoresponderid, name, enabled, priority, usernumber and lock fields set, and the other fields set to NULL.

reference/users_autoresponderconditions.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/14 10:45 by