Fulltext results:
- POP3 Mail Collection @reference
- rts: * None - use no encryption, commands and messages are transmitted in plain text * SSL - use enc... sage Size to Download - the maximum size in kB of messages to be downloaded, or 0 for no limit (1) * Leave Messages On Server - the number of days for which messages should be left on the remote server, 0 to delete immediat
- Prune Rules @reference
- tab can be used to create/edit rules which cause messages to be automatically deleted according to specifie... able, by clicking them. The settings define which messages should be deleted, not what should happen to messages. You can edit prune rules which apply to all users b... ct). ====Age==== The age column defines how old messages are before they will be deleted. This is set in d
- Mail Sender Advanced Settings @reference
- ain Filtering** box lets you restrict which email messages are sent via this Mail Sender. You specify each ... e only sender rules or only recipient rules, then messages will be sent if there it matches any of that type... ft.com'' This would use this Mail Sender to send messages from either **joe@mydomain.com** or **sales@mydom... omeone@<something>microsoft.com**. ====Only send messages waiting at start of connection==== If this box is
- Misc -> Advanced Tab @reference
- est POP3 Download method==== When VPOP3 downloads messages from a remote POP3 server, one of the things it d... ng this step is negligible - eg if there are 1000 messages on the ISP, this step should take much less than ... h will send you emails from VPOP3 - such as error messages or other notification messages. Usually these messages will come from **mailer_daemon**@<your domain>. So
- Spamfilter Quarantine Viewer @reference
- antine Viewer The Quarantine Viewer lets you see messages which have been quarantined by the VPOP3 Spam Filter. As an administrator you can see quarantined messages for any user, and release them if appropriate. If... nbox. The Quarantine Viewer will not display any messages when you first view the page, you must first sele... then press the **Go** button to view the selected messages. You can choose to view messages based on receiv
- French Webmail Language File @how_to
- sh to permanently delete these confirmdeletemsgs2=messages? managefolders=Manage Folders #header msgsininbox... you sure you wish to move these confirmtrashmsgs2=messages to the trash folder? emptyTrashConfirm=Are you su... Book v4headerfolders=Folders v4gridmessagesfrom=Messages from v4gridto= to v4gridof= of v4gridtitlefrom... is message. v4imageshidden2=Always view images in messages from v4imageshiddennosender=This message does no
- German Webmail Language Page @how_to
- sh to permanently delete these confirmdeletemsgs2=messages? managefolders=Verzeichnisse verwalten #header ms... you sure you wish to move these confirmtrashmsgs2=messages to the trash folder? emptyTrashConfirm=Are you su... Book v4headerfolders=Folders v4gridmessagesfrom=Messages from v4gridto= to v4gridof= of v4gridtitlefrom... is message. v4imageshidden2=Always view images in messages from v4imageshiddennosender=This message does no
- Delete OutQueue messages directly from the database @how_to
- ======Delete OutQueue messages directly from the database====== If there is an extremely large number of messages (eg hundreds of thousands) in the VPOP3 OutQueue,... 3pass At this point you may wish to see how many messages there are, and see if you can work out how they got there. ===To see how many messages are in the OutQueue=== ''SELECT COUNT(*) FROM out
- Mail Not Downloading From ISP @how_to
- ly happens because you have told VPOP3 to ''Leave Messages On Server'' (on the Mail Connectors -> Mail Colle... P3 General tab). If you do this, VPOP3 will leave messages on the ISP's mail server for several days, and re... time it connects it will see that there are some messages waiting, but it may find that it has already down... again. See also: [[Making VPOP3 re-download POP3 messages from the ISP]] for details on re-downloading old
- Restricting the number of messages sent @how_to
- ======Restricting the number of messages sent====== Some ISPs set restrictions on the number of messages that you are allowed to send in a certain time period, eg 50 messages per hour, or the number of messages that you are allowed to send per connection. =====Restriction of messa
- Mail tab @reference
- il]] enables you to manage your sent and received messages. As you can see from the screenshot, the page is... #Mail folders|Mail folders]] ^ [[#Selected folder messages|Selected folder messages]] ^ ^ ::: ^ [[#Selected message display|Selected message display]] ^ | [[Webmail ... he Mail tab - check for any changes, i.e. any new messages, any messages/folders that have been affected by
- How to remove messages from the outbound queue @how_to
- ======How to remove messages from the outbound queue====== To delete messages from the VPOP3 'OutQueue': - log into the VPOP3 settin... counts list. This will show you a list of all the messages waiting to be sent by VPOP3 - Select the messages you want to delete, and either Hold or Delete them. Hol
- Repairing corrupted database @how_to
- cted chunk number error for toast value..' in the messages.msgdata table then this means that one (or more) ... ataid BIGINT); FOR badid IN SELECT msgdataid FROM messages.msgdata ORDER BY msgdataid LOOP curid = curid... SELECT msgdata INTO vcontent FROM messages.msgdata where msgdataid = badid; vcontent... d loop; end; $f$; </code> This will read all the messages from the database, and tell you which message(s)
- Message Monitoring @reference
- In the current versions of VPOP3, all monitored messages are sent to the same user (or list), you cannot s... e, choose the desired options from the **Incoming messages**, **Outgoing messages** and **Internal Messages** boxes at the top of the page. Each option has three choices: **All**, **Select
- SMTP Relay Service FAQ @faq
- £40 (+VAT if applicable) per year, for up to 5000 messages, or 750MB, per month. =====How do I order the SM... e that, it costs £25 per year for each extra 5000 messages/ 0.75GB per month The above prices exclude VAT w... calculate the usage on a rolling month basis, so messages are counted for the last month's worth of messages. e.g. at 11:53 am on 6th October, all messages after 11:
- Database query to list messages in the LAN forwarding queue waiting to go to a specific server @reference