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How to Restore a backup of VPOP3

Version 3 or later

To restore a full backup of VPOP3,

  1. Restore the files you made when you backed up VPOP3 - do NOT restore anything in the VPOP3\pgsql folder tree
  2. Restore the registry backup you made as well by double-clicking on the .REG file you made
  3. Reinstall VPOP3 into the location where you restored VPOP3. This should reinstall the PostgreSQL database system. Do not start VPOP3 at this time
  4. Open a command prompt, and go to the VPOP3 directory
  5. Run pgsql\bin\pg_restore -U postgres -d vpop3 DBBACK_<number>.DMP where <number> is the latest number of the database backup made by VPOP3. When it prompts for a password enter the PostgreSQL master password - default pgsqlpass
  6. Start VPOP3

You may also want to |Restore a single user's mailbox or mail folder

Version 2.6 or earlier

To restore a backup of VPOP3,

  1. Restore the files you made when you backed up VPOP3
  2. Restore the registry backup you made as well by double-clicking on the .REG file you made
  3. Reinstall VPOP3 into the location where you restored VPOP3.
how_to/restore_a_backup_of_vpop3.1245315571.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/14 10:44 (external edit)