
Error Message Handling

VPOP3 will normally send an error message to the Main Administrator every time it encounters an error. We recommend you leave it like this in most cases - if an error message occurs repeatedly, then it usually means there's an underlying problem which needs resolving rather than ignoring.

However, if you really want to reduce the number of error messages you receive without fixing the cause of the problems, then VPOP3 has a feature which can reduce the times that an error message is sent.

In the VPOP3 directory should be a file 'ERRORS.DAT'. This file isn't really designed to be directly editable, but it can be - the nice UI for it hasn't been written yet.

Open up ERRORS.DAT using Notepad You should see several lines something like this:


Each line is made of 5 fields, separated by '~'

This means that VPOP3 has received two errors: one on In Mail '0' (displayed as In Mail '1') which was an error 10060 and one on In Mail '1' (displayed as In Mail '2') which was an error 11001

The 3 '0's between the 'object ID' and the 'Error code' tell VPOP3 how often to report errors

The first one tells VPOP3 when to report the first error - '0' means 'all the time', if you put in there '600', then it would report the first error 10 minutes (600 seconds) after the first time it got an error



would mean only REPORT an error 10060 if it consistently gets errors for 10 minutes. If it tries to connect every minute and gets 5 failures and then one success, it'll never report an error

The second number is the time between the first and second reporting of the error. The third number is the subsequent reports



would report 10060 errors after 10 minutes of errors, then after another 1 hour of errors, then every day afterwards (unless it gets a successful connection, in which case it will start again)

Note that VPOP3 only reads the file on startup, and saves it on shutdown, so you need to close VPOP3 before saving it from Notepad, and then restart VPOP3 afterwards.

If you make a mess, you can delete the file and VPOP3 will recreate it. Because of the almost infinite number of possible errors that VPOP3 can get, it builds the file on the fly from the errors it DOES receive.

We plan to make a proper way of editing this file in VPOP3 version 6

how_to/error_message_handling.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/14 10:45 by