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How to Backup VPOP3

VPOP3 version 5

To backup VPOP3 version 5 you should:

  • Backup the VPOP3 directory and subdirectories, except the VPOP3\pgsql directory tree. Make sure you backup the DBBack-<number>.DMP files, these contain the mailbox contents and other settings/data.

The DBBack-<number>.DMP files contain all the settings/data, so you can just backup those files now if you wish, although we'd recommend doing a full directory (except for the VPOP3\pgsql folder) backup if possible.

You do not need to backup the registry in version 5 (as you did for earlier versions) because settings are now stored in the main database.

Manual Database Backup

If you want to make a Database backup at a specific time (rather than just the automated daily backups of the database) you can do the following:

  1. Go to a command prompt on the VPOP3 computer, and go to the VPOP3 directory.
  2. Run pgsql\bin\pg_dump -p <port number> -F c -U vpop3 -f database.dmp ('<port number>' is usually 5433)
  3. At the password prompt, type vpop3pass (This assumes a standard installation, if your PostgreSQL installation is non-standard, then you may need to change this command appropriately)

This will create a file 'database.dmp' containing a backup of the database at the current state in the VPOP3 directory.

Alternative Backup Procedures

VPOP3 version 5 uses PostgreSQL 9.1, and stores all settings/messages in the database. This means that you can use alternative PostgreSQL backup procedures. These are outside the scope of this article, but for advanced users may give big benefits, eg hot standby servers, point-in-time-recovery (PITR), incremental backups etc.

There are articles on the PostgreSQL website describing how to set these up, for instance:

There will generally be a minute or less of downtime to do this, as, apart from the reconfiguration of the master PostgreSQL server, the rest of the process can be performed with the master PostgreSQL server running and operating normally.

(If you have a support contract, or pay for a single support incident, then we can help set this up for you.)

VPOP3 version 3 or 4

To backup VPOP3 version 3 or 4 you should:

  • Backup the VPOP3 directory and subdirectories, except the VPOP3\pgsql directory tree. Make sure you backup the DBBack-<number>.DMP files, these contain the mailbox contents.
  • Backup the VPOP3 windows registry settings. These are at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PaulSmith\VPOP3. You can either export these manually from RegEdit, or run “regedit /e vpop3.reg HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\PaulSmith\VPOP3” from a command prompt

Manual Database Backup

If you want to make a Database backup at a specific time (rather than just the automated daily backups of the database) you can do the following:

  1. Go to a command prompt on the VPOP3 computer, and go to the VPOP3 directory.
  2. Run pgsql\bin\pg_dump -F c -U vpop3 -f database.dmp
  3. At the password prompt, type vpop3pass (This assumes a standard installation, if your PostgreSQL installation is non-standard, then you may need to change this command appropriately)

This will create a file 'database.dmp' containing a backup of the database at the current state in the VPOP3 directory.

VPOP3 version 2.x and earlier

To backup earlier versions of VPOP3 you should:

  • Backup the VPOP3 directory and all subdirectories
  • Backup the VPOP3 windows registry settings. These are at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PaulSmith\VPOP3. You can either export these manually from RegEdit, or run “regedit /e vpop3.reg HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\PaulSmith\VPOP3” from a command prompt
how_to/backup_vpop3.1328800415.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/14 10:44 (external edit)