Fulltext results:
- UserRuleConditions Replacement
- parameter: RuleId This returns the message rule conditions for the specified rule The [[format stri... have the replacements * id - numeric ID of the condition * field - field/data to test * data - data to compare it to * match - the type of comparison * matchi - whether the comparison is case sensitive (
- AutoresponderConditionList Replacement
- the autoresponder This returns a JSON structure containing an array of the rules associated with the... der. The return structure is an array of objects containing: * condid - autoresponder rule id * autoresponderid - autoresponder id * name - the use... reason to have separate date, time AND date/time conditions is to allow functionality such as: - us
- AutoresponderInfo Replacement
- the autoresponder This returns a JSON structure containing the details of the specified autoresponder. The return structure is an object containing: * id - autoresponder id * ownerid - ... he list to go to the original sender as well) * copyto - array of addresses to copy the original message to * attachments - array of filenames to atta
- UserRuleActions Replacement
- S - add the 'data's value as an IMAP4 keyword * COPY - copy the message to the 'data' folder * MOVE - move the message to the 'data' folder * FORWAR... fy the email address that the forwarded mail will come from if the default (<username>@<local domain>)
- Version 5 Web Mail API
- =Read Replacements===== When VPOP3 receives a GET command for an HTML or JS file it tries to replace t... ==Write variables===== When VPOP3 receives a POST command, it updates variables with the specified dat... ====Actions===== If you need to do something more complex than just setting a variable, then you need
- UserRuleConditionUpdate Replacement
- e~ Required parameter: * RuleID * gr_id - condition ID * !nativeeditor_status - inserted/del... his inserts/updates/deletes the specified message condition See [[UserRuleConditions]] for valid **ma
- UserRuleList Replacement
- ser specified name of the rule * all - 1 if all conditions have to be met, 0 if any of the conditions must be met * type - bit mask showing which mess
- MessageView4 Replacement
- nal - "y" means show full headers, otherwise show condensed headers) * "msgformat" (optional - speci
- SpellCheckAddWord
- ST to the 'response.html' file, then the response comes back as {action:"spellcheckdelword", result: "
- SpellCheckDelWord
- ST to the 'response.html' file, then the response comes back as {action:"spellcheckdelword", result: "