Fulltext results:
- SMTP Server Lua Scripting
- p, before the welcome message is sent to the SMTP client * **RBLResults()** - (VPOP3 Enterprise Only) - ... * **IPAddress** - (IN) - string - dotted notation client IP address (eg "") * **ValidClientAddress** - (IN/OUT) - boolean - TRUE if the client IP address is in an 'allowed' IP address range ... calClientAddress** - (IN/OUT) - boolean - TRUE if client IP address is in an 'allowed' IP address range an
- SMTP Server -> IDS/IPS
- UTC timestamp in ISO8601 format - %I = the SMTP client's IP address (as seen by VPOP3) - %e = the [[ID... , the order of events is: * VPOP3 looks at the client IP address. * VPOP3 checks the **Never Block Li... ock list, but the entry expired within the past **Client Error Monitor Period** time, then the IPS log total value is seeded with the **Client Error Re-Block value**. This means that a badly b
- Settings -> Diagnostics
- g with its actions when it takes on the role of a client. **Maximum log size**: Allows you to change the ... ver Connections** (Connections between POP3 email client and VPOP3) - //pop3svr.log// * **Log SMTP Serve... ons** (incoming SMTP or connections between email client and VPOP3) - //smtpsvr.log// * **Log IMAP4 Serv... er Connections** (Connections between IMAP4 email client and VPOP3) - //imapsvr.log// * **Log NNTP Serve
- LogDB.Sessions table
- something like a POP3 server session as an email client downloads messages, or an SMTP client session as VPOP3 sends a message out to the Internet, and so on. =... is text describing the session. This may contain client IP address, username etc ====Sesstype codes==== * C = SMTP client (via relay) * F = SMTP client (LAN forwarding)
- IMAP4 -> Advanced tab
- in a folder tree. This can upset some older email clients, so VPOP3 can pretend those folders exist, but d... of implementing 'push' notifications to an IMAP4 client. Normally, you would want this option to be turne... e main purpose for this option is that some email clients will connect to an account and instantly open up... it may take some time - the problem is that some clients will time out while this is happening, and will
- SMTP -> General tab
- ll also allow unencrypted sessions from the email client * TLS - VPOP3 requires TLS encryption, and will... tection==== **This should be usually set to Check Client IP Address**. This option has other methods whic... ilable due to historical reasons, but the **Check Client IP Address** option is the safest, along with goo... protection against unwanted relaying * **Check Client IP Address** - if this option is chosen, VPOP3 wi
- VPOP3 Webmail Help
- to be close in functionality to a 'normal' email client, so should be straightforward to use. If you use... the same as that visible through your IMAP4 email client - the IMAP4 client will synchronise with Webmail. If you use VPOP3 Basic, then you will usually only be... n Webmail, they will not be visible in your email client, and vice-versa. * [[Webmail menu|Menu]] * [
- Summary Log File Format
- message queued (user name is sender) * 6 - POP3 Client download * 7 - SMTP Client send * 8 - LAN Forward message sent * 9 - Online Time (value is time in ... t to see how much data was downloaded by the POP3 client component in VPOP3, scan through looking for line
- SMTP Service -> Advanced Tab
- then VPOP3 will refuse any SMTP connections from clients whose 'HELO'/'EHLO' command data contains the te... then VPOP3 would refuse SMTP connections from any client which sends the command 'HELO box23.myisp.com' =... s a 'password' which is shared between the Minger client and the Minger Server. VPOP3's [[LAN Forwarding
- Message Rules
- (or marked with a 'star' if that's how your email client displays flagged messages) * **Delete** - the m... the message. How this is displayed in your email client will depend on the email client you are using, and how it handles IMAP4 keywords * **Copy to Folder** -
- POP3 Server -> General Tab
- collect their email from VPOP3 using a POP3 email client ====Service Name==== The **Service Name** is a n... should be used on POP3 connections between email clients and VPOP3. This option is only available in VPOP... ll also allow unencrypted sessions from the email client * TLS - VPOP3 requires TLS encryption, and will
- Bandwidth Control
- er is a Lua table with the following entries * clientip - The IP address of the client computer connecting to VPOP3 * serveraddress - The local IP address of
- Lua Scripting
- ver Script|SMTP Server Scripting]] * [[Lua POP3 Client Script|POP3 Client Scripting]] * [[IDS Logging Script|IDS Logging Scripting]] * [[Management Scriptin
- POP3 Client Lua Scripting
- ======POP3 Client Lua Scripting====== The POP3 Client [[http://wiki.pscs.co.uk/reference;lua_scripting|Lua Script]] is cal
- Monitor Scripting
- ments, ToRecipients, CcRecipients, BccRecipients, ClientIPAddress) MonitorInternal(sender, recipient_li... of recipients the message has been Bcc'd to * **ClientIPAddress** is the IP address the message was sent