Fulltext results:
- SMTP Server Lua Scripting
- ipting|Lua Script]] is called SMTPSVR.LUA and can be edited from the Settings -> Scripts page in the V... script is called on different callbacks, and may be changed by the Lua script itself in order to change the VPOP3 behaviour. VPOP3 will call the following Lua functi... - called when the SMTP service session starts up, before the welcome message is sent to the SMTP clien
- Misc -> Advanced Tab
- threads at once. Correctly written plugins should be able to cope with this, however, in case you are ... message has already made (done by counting the number of 'Received:' header lines). If this number of hops exceeds a specified value, the message will be rejected. This is because it suggests that the me
- Download Rules
- where it can look at message summary information before downloading a message from an ISP POP3 mailbo... / see message content or attachments etc. This is because download rules apply before the message is downloaded. If you need to check the message content,... need to use the [[spam filter rules]]. There can be multiple download rules created. VPOP3 checks the
- Groups
- ls to **groups** this way, incoming messages will be treated as if the recipient was unknown. (With [[... , '.', '-' or '_' characters. A group name cannot be the same as a [[users|user]] name or a [[lists|list]] name. This is because you can use the group name in an email addre... if the checkbox is checked as normal, then all members in the group will be made to have this setting
- ListServer Commands
- s. =====Subject Commands===== These commands can be sent in the message subject. If these are used, t... nder of the message content is ignored ===Subscribe=== (Can be abbreviated to **sub**) Send a subject of **subscribe listname**. For example Subject: subscribe off
- User Delivery Script
- script affects how VPOP3 will handle how messages being delivered to this user are handled. If that s... re is a delivery.lua script, that Lua script will be used instead. The script can contain two functio... ge** function is used) =====Global Variables set before functions are called===== * User - the username the message is to be delivered to * Subject - the subject of the mes
- Spam Filter Rules: IfMatch
- string match on a variable or part of the message being processed | **IfMatch** statements require a ... h <data> <search> The **IfMatch** statement must be terminated with an **EndIf** and may contain an *... tags stripped out and are converted to plain text before searching them.|2.1.7 | ^bodya |This perform... s the entire message header, without any decoding being performed |2.1.7 | ^header |This searches the
- SMTP Server -> IDS/IPS
- e distributors trying to send mail through them). Because of this, there is a system in VPOP3 which wi... spicious events to a specified log. This can then be read by a third party IPS system to feed updates ... rty software which you are using how the file can be acceptably rotate/truncated. VPOP3 will not rotat... rocess in place. The **IDS Log Filename** should be in a location which the VPOP3 process has permiss
- Autoresponder Commands
- an contain special text strings to create special behaviour, in addition to plain text as part of the ... med. **[Section: <subject text>]** sections will be sent if the subject of the incoming message conta... insensitive match). **[Default]** sections will be sent if no **[Section:]** sections matched. **[All]** sections will always be sent. So, if the autoresponder is defined as <
- SMTP Service -> Advanced Tab
- use SMTP Connections from==== This setting should be rarely needed, and should be normally left blank. It is here for historic purposes. If you put some ... in the 'local part' of email addresses (the part before the @ symbol). However, it is rarely used in ... dress.html#percenthack|common use]] which quickly became abused when spam started being created. You u
- POP3 Mail Collection
- VPOP3 is collecting mail from. Usually this will be 110 for standard POP3, or 995 for POP3S (POP3 ove... cting mail * Session Encryption - this needs to be set to a suitable method which the mail service p... on * POP3 Authentication Method - this needs to be set to a suitable method which the mail service p... Download - the maximum size in kB of messages to be downloaded, or 0 for no limit (1) * Leave Messa
- Autoresponder
- ds, assistants, mappings, etc to divert a message before it arrives in the mailbox, the autoresponder ... which will trigger the autoresponder in the table beneath (2). Note that this drop-down only selects ... nts, headers, whether the original message should be copied to another user, and so on. {{:reference:... ates whether the original incoming message should be kept in the user's mailbox. Most of the time this
- Settings -> Diagnostics
- e, with a **.log** filename extension; which will be written to, until it reaches its maximum size. //... nged, causing additional old copies of the log to be retained, all older archives are renamed in the f... .lbk** file is created (as a consequence of there being a new **.log** file), the current **.lbk** fil... ame contains the current date and a sequential number (to allow multiple files per day). It is possibl
- Mail Sender Advanced Settings
- ach rule on a separate line, and the message will be sent if it matches any sender rule //and// any re... rules or only recipient rules, then messages will be sent if there it matches any of that type of rule... ion mark/bang) in front of it. So a sample might be\\ ''From: joe@mydomain.com\\ From: sales@mydomain... so on, until there are no new messages waiting to be sent. ====Send smaller messages first==== If thi
- Outgoing Message Scripting
- information on how we can help. =====Messages to be sent===== For every message which is to be sent VPOP3 calls a function in that script called **NewMes... FROM address, which is where bounce messages will be sent). * CreationDate - The time the message wa... erated from within VPOP3/forwarded/etc, this will be blank). * FileLength - The size of the message