Fulltext results:
- German Webmail Language Page
- Webmail Language Page====== Copy/paste the text below to a file 'german.lng' in the VPOP3 directory.... erman users, feel free to update/correct the text below) <code> #login page logintitle=VPOP3 Login web... ail Anmeldung enterusername=Sie müssen einen Benutzernamen angeben bookmarksnotsupported=I'm sorry, but your web browser does not support this functi
- Repairing corrupted database
- can't then there is no manual 'repair' function, because the data cannot totally be recovered (or it would automatically have been recovered). Common causes for unrecoverable data err... erver. If you do get an unrecoverable error, the best solution is to [[restore_a_database_backup|rest
- French Webmail Language File
- h Webmail Language File====== Copy/paste the text below to a file 'french.lng' or 'francais.lng' in th... rench users, feel free to update/correct the text below) <code> #login page logintitle=VPOP3 Login we... y again temppasswordsent=A temporary password has been created and emailed to your VPOP3 mailbox nonex... only! username=Username: password=Password: rememberme=Remember me next time I connect<br><em>(not re
- Spamfilter Whitelist & Blacklist
- you send a message, the recipient's address will be added to the whitelist, this is because VPOP3 will assume that the recipient is someone you want to be in contact with. Similarly, if you release a mess... spamfilter quarantine, the sender's address will be added to the whitelist. ====What the whitelist a
- Move VPOP3 Version 5 (or later) to a new PC
- rent from [[Move VPOP3|moving earlier versions]], because of the database system, which was introduced... rder. Many problems with moving installations are because people have thought we have got it wrong, an... this, make sure that it is possible to copy files between the PCs on your network (or have copied all the necessary files beforehand). Copying the files over the Internet to
- Database Maintenance
- ly this will not require any special maintenance, because it will manage itself. To do any special da... ntenance you will need to close down VPOP3 first, because PostgreSQL needs exclusive access to the dat... ctory. These are command-line programs so need to be accessed from a command prompt. If you are keen to get the best performance, you may feel like doing a 'cluster
- How to Restore a backup of VPOP3
- Restore a backup of VPOP3====== The instructions below are to restore a full backup. You may also be able to [[recover deleted messages]] if you do not n... ed to restore a database backup, see steps 4 to 7 below. To restore a [[backup_vpop3|full backup of V... s already installed, make sure VPOP3 is shut down before starting the restore process - Restore the
- How to Backup VPOP3
- you backup the **[[reference:database|DBBack-<number>.DMP]]** files, these contain the mailbox contents and other settings/data. The DBBack-<number>.DMP files contain all the settings/data, so you... ry in version 5 (as you did for earlier versions) because settings are now stored in the main database... rectory. - Run ''pgsql\bin\pg_dump -p <port number> -F c -U vpop3 -f database.dmp vpop3'' ('<port n
- Spanish Webmail Language File
- h Webmail Language File====== Copy/paste the text below to a file 'spanish.lng' or 'espanol.lng' in th... anish users, feel free to update/correct the text below) <code> #login page logintitle=VPOP3 Login w... trador! username=Usuario: password=Password: rememberme=Recordar en mi proxima conexion<br><i>(no reco... er=Seleccione carpeta... selecttargetfolder=Ud. debe seleccionar la carpeta destino. confirmdeletemsg=
- Move VPOP3 Version 3 or 4 to a new PC
- rent from [[Move VPOP3|moving earlier versions]], because of the database system. The summary of step... rder. Many problems with moving installations are because people have thought we have got it wrong, an... this, make sure that it is possible to copy files between the PCs on your network (or have copied all the necessary files beforehand). Copying the files over the Internet to
- Performance Requirements
- ssor Time" is constantly above 50% or so, you may benefit from a faster processor, or more cores on th... hich is available on the computer, then you could benefit from adding more RAM to the PC ====Disk I/O... this is pretty constantly above 1 or 2 (or the number of striped disks you have in a RAID 0/10 array) then performance is probably being limited by the hard disks. The Disk Queue is t
- Out of Disk Space When Sending Mail
- ed. VPOP3 requires a certain amount of free space before it will allow new messages to be sent, so the disk might not be totally full, but VPOP3 will still report that there is insufficient d... nt disk space error, then check that the error is being generated by VPOP3, and not by your ISP. VPOP3
- We installed a new router and now nothing works
- at VPOP3 doesn't seem to work afterwards. This is because it may be that the new router allocates new IP addresses on your network. Note that this topic can be quite complicated, so it can be worth seeking expert help. The company which provided the router may
- How to filter attachments
- > Attachment Processing -> Filtering tab as described below. VPOP3 can also filter attachments using the [[spam filter|content/spam filter]], or by using... ly starts with a default set of filter rules (see below), but you can change this as you wish. Each filter rule must be on a line of its own You can also tell VPOP3 to
- Training the VPOP3 Spam Filter
- spam filter has a couple of mechanisms which can be used to 'train' it to distinguish between spam and not-spam. =====Bayesian Filter===== The Bayesian ... ages sent and received and their probabilities of being contained in spam and not-spam, and works out an overall probability of the message being spam or not-spam based on the combination of t