Fulltext results:
- French Webmail Language File @how_to
- d=Session Expired browseripchanged=Web browser IP address changed from when session was initiated nonexiste... eList=Message List menuNewMessage=New Message menuAddressBook=Address Book menuChangePassword=Change Password menuWebmailSettings=Webmail Settings menuMailboxSettin... on't Release Message v4altaddrbookloading=Loading Address Book v4headerfolders=Folders v4gridmessagesfrom=
- German Webmail Language Page @how_to
- ist=Posteingang menuNewMessage=Neue Nachricht menuAddressBook=Adressbuch menuChangePassword=Passwort ä... on't Release Message v4altaddrbookloading=Loading Address Book v4headerfolders=Folders v4gridmessagesfrom=... no sender is specified v4tabmail=Mail v4tabaddr=Address Book v4tabnewmessage=New Message v4tabnewmsgreply... Resend v4tabnewmsgeditdraft=Edit Draft v4tabnewmsgaddressbookto=New Message v4tabquarantine=Quarantine v4ta
- Spanish Webmail Language File @how_to
- ista de mensajes menuNewMessage=Nuevo mensaje menuAddressBook=Direcciones menuChangePassword=Cambio de Pass... r v4tabnewmsgeditdraft=Editar borrador v4tabnewmsgaddressbookto=Nuevo Mensaje v4tabquarantine=Cuarentena v4... miembros (%2 suspendida, %3 prohibido) v4moderateaddress=Dirección v4moderatesuspend=Suspender v4moderateb... car v4settingsrealname=Nombre real v4settingsemailaddress1=Direccion(es) de Correo Electrónico v4settingsem
- SMTP Server Lua Scripting @reference
- then the script can modify it if desired. * **IPAddress** - (IN) - string - dotted notation client IP address (eg "") * **ValidClientAddress** - (IN/OUT) - boolean - TRUE if the client IP address is in an 'allowed' IP address range * **LocalClie
- Outgoing Message Scripting @reference
- ender, ReturnPath, CreationDate, Subject, SenderIPAddress, FileLength, Priority, Headers, Message, HoldSeco... used, this is blank). * ReturnPath - The email address of the sender (strictly speaking, the SMTP return path/MAIL FROM address, which is where bounce messages will be sent). ... Subject - The subject of the message. * SenderIPAddress - The IP address of the message sender (if genera
- SMTP Server -> IDS/IPS @reference
- n the SMTP service and can automatically block IP addresses which try to do bad things. =====IDS Logging==... p in ISO8601 format - %I = the SMTP client's IP address (as seen by VPOP3) - %e = the [[IDS event numbe... r of events is: * VPOP3 looks at the client IP address. * VPOP3 checks the **Never Block List**. If the IP address is there, the connection is allowed * VPOP3 che
- Exchange 2007 @how_to
- . In the top half of this page, called **Local IP Addresses** select each address in turn, and press **Edit...** Change the **Port** to a different number larger th... he **Accepted Domain** column - On the **E-Mail Address Policies** tab, right-click the **Default Policy*... - Press **Next** until you are on the **E-Mail Addresses** section. Make sure there is an entry there un
- How To Setup VPOP3 Service Security @how_to
- us services depending on the client computer's IP address. This is useful if you want to allow access from only certain IP addresses (eg within your LAN) and prevent access from other IP addresses (eg the Internet). With some services you can ... also restrict access to certain users on those IP addresses. These are generally only those services which
- Error message: Your connection has been blocked temporarily - Try again later @how_to
- POP3 has detected abnormal behaviour from your IP address, and it has applied a temporary block to prevent ... vant 'multiplier' is added to a score for that IP address. If that score reaches the ''Client Error Block T... fied ''Client Error Monitor Period'', then the IP address is blocked for the ''Client Error Block Time'' ti... * Client Error Block Time = 30 minutes If an IP address tries to relay through VPOP3 twice (2 x 100), tri
- Setting up VPOP3 to work with Exchange 2003 @how_to
- he right, and choose Properties - On the E-Mail Addresses (Policy) tab, make sure that there is an entry for Type SMTP, with Address @domain.com where domain.com is the email domain ... he following smart hosts option, and enter the IP address of the VPOP3 computer in square brackets, eg [192... change server name and press OK - Now go to the Address Space tab, and Add a new address space. Simply se
- We installed a new router and now nothing works @how_to
- se it may be that the new router allocates new IP addresses on your network. Note that this topic can be q... set up with a router automatically allocating IP addresses to computers. It does this using a system calle... h payment details for this service. =====New IP address===== If the router decides to allocate a new IP address to VPOP3, then anything which is connecting to VPO
- Security Settings -> Intrusion Protection Tab @reference
- ts across all services and block an attacker's IP address from accessing VPOP3 for a specified time ====Mo... *monitor logins period** are needed before the IP address is blocked. So, if the **monitor logins period** ... e are at least 10 failed logins from a certain IP address within the past 30 minutes, then the IP address will be blocked temporarily. ====Failed login block time=
- Address Book tab @reference
- ======Address Book tab====== The Address Book tab within [[version 4 webmail|VPOP3 webmail]] enables you to manage your ... main sections: |[[Webmail Menu|Menu bar]] || |[[#Address book toolbar|Address book toolbar]] || |[[Webmail tabs|General tab bar]] || ^ [[#Address book lists|Addr
- Spam Filter Rules: GetAddressType @reference
- ======Spam Filter Rules: GetAddressType====== ^Statement |GetAddressType | ^Version |2.4.6+ | ^Purpose |Analyses a specified email address and reports what 'type' of address it is | The **GetAddressType** statement requires an email address and
- Mail Sender Advanced Relay Settings @reference
- er Advanced Relay Settings====== ====SMTP Return Address==== The SMTP Return Address (or Return Path) is a hidden part of a message which says where bounce message... hould be sent. (It is not the same as the **Reply address** which is where your email client will send repl... POP3 will send out messages using the same Return Address as was used when the message arrived at VPOP3 (ev
- Error message after sending RCPTTO: - error 0 - text 550 5.7.1 Relaying not allowed! Bad sender IP address @how_to