Fulltext results:
- Spam Filter Rules: Assignments
- o variables using the syntax <code> ${variable} = value | ${variable} </code> =====Assignment operators=... following assignment operators: ^= |Specify the value of the variable to equal the value after the assignment operator | ^+= |Add the numeric value after the assignment operator to the current nume
- SMTP Server Lua Scripting
- ry in the form of a single number (so a resulting value of '' which be stored as 0x0100007f or 1... lt VPOP3 welcome text will be used, or the return value from the **Start()** function if any. Otherwise t... ELO// command At session start the **<hostname>** value is the SMTP client IP address. At the //EHLO/HELO... t receives a //EHLO// command The **<hostname>** value is the value of the parameter to the //EHLO// com
- Spam Filter Rules: DBUpdate
- ment requires a component name, key, operator and value, in the format DBUpdate <component name> <key> <operator> <value> * If the record does not exist, then it will ... +=, -=, .=, upper or lower * = sets the record value to the specified value * += adds the specified value to record value (assumed numeric) * -= subtract
- Spam Filter Rules: DBQueryOne
- on the spam filter database and returns a single value which is either the value of a record or an aggregate of several records. The **DBQueryOne** statement requires a component name, key, operator and value, in the format DBUpdate <component name> <type> <comparator> <keyvalue> <variable name> * <type> may be 'max', 'min',
- Spam Filter Rules: AddBag
- |AddBag | ^Version |2.2.1+ | ^Purpose |Adds a value into a 'bag' containing a collection of values, c... *AddBag** statement requires a type, bag name and value, in the format AddBag <type> <bag name> <value> *<type> may be either 'unique' or 'multi' *If <type> is 'unique', then 'value' will only be added to 'bag' if it does not alrea
- Spam Filter Rules: RemoveBag
- Version |2.2.1+ | ^Purpose |Removes a specified value from a bag | The **RemoveBag** statement requires a bag name and a value, in the format RemoveBag <bag name> <value> *If the value is found in the bag, it is removed *If a value occurs multiple times, only the first
- SMTP Service - Filtering
- a which can be checked are: * **Subject** - the value of the message's 'Subject' header field * **From** - the value of the message's 'From' header field * **To** - the value of the message's 'To' header field * **Cc** - the value of the message's 'Cc' header field * **Return-P
- Spamfilter White/Blacklists
- <number> - compare the addcount to the specified value (whitelist only). //e.g. addcount>100// - **fin... <number> - compare the findcount to the specified value. //e.g. findcount<75// - **initiallyadded** <co... which initially added the entry to the specified value (using wildcards). //e.g. addedby:fred*// - **a... ch automatically added the entry to the specified value (using wildcards) (whitelist only). //e.g. autoad
- Lua SMTP Relay Control
- e global variable * UseBATV - this is a boolean value saying whether to [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... rt** which takes no parameters, and has no return value. This can be used for initialisation, or for chan... ted** which takes no parameters and has no return value. The **ConnectedServer** global variable is set j... that if the ISP gives a multi-line response, this value contains the full response, not just one line of
- Spam Filter Rules: IfInBag
- rsion |2.3.7+ | ^Purpose |Checks if a specified value is in a particular bag | The **IfInBag** statement requires a bag name and value, in the format IfInBag <bag name> <value> *All **IfInBag** statements must be followed by an **EndI... optionally include an **Else** statement *The <value> can either be a simple string, a regular express
- User Routing Script
- veral global variables set: * Assistants - the value of the 'Assistants' setting for this user (string) * RedirectToAssistant - the value of the 'Redirect to Assistant' setting for this user (boolean) * Forwards - the value of the 'Forward To' setting for this user (string) * UseForwards - the value of the 'UseForwarding' setting for this user (boo
- Spam Filter Rules: DefineSetting
- ^Purpose |Defines a generic setting, the default value and description | The **DefineSetting** statement requires a name, default value and description, in the format DefineSetting "<name>" <default value> "<description>" Defining settings like this all... eave blank for none)" </code> Entering a setting value into the log file <code> #This logs the 'Redirect
- Spam Filter Rules: AddHeader
- sent: * It will be replaced if an alternative value is specified. * It will be removed if no value is specified. * If the specified header is not alre... </code> Removing a header line, by not setting a value <code> AddHeader "X-MyHeader:" </code> Changing the value of a header, or inserting it if it does not alrea
- Spam Filter Rules: BulkScan
- ch specifier> requires a data parameter, a search value and a modification value, in the format <data> <search> <modification value> VPOP3 goes through all of the search specifiers b... dBulkScan statements. Where there is a match, the value of the specified variable is increased by the <mo
- SMTP Server -> IDS/IPS
- ror Monitor Period** time, then the IPS log total value is seeded with the **Client Error Re-Block value**. This means that a badly behaved client is more likel... hin the **Client Error Monitor Period**, then the value of that 'multiplier' is added onto that IP addres... increasing the Block Threshold to an unreachable value. ====Manage Block List==== When a connection att