Fulltext results:
- Settings -> Attachment Processing
- g** page allows you to configure VPOP3 to perform two distinct functions on messages that contain attac... ail clients, or may make the attachment look like two distinct files. | |<code>*.</code> |Windows wil... ey can be used to transmit viruses. | There are two checkboxes in this section: * **Filter attachme... ine of defence, in case something gets onto the network and tries to send messages with certain types o
- Autoresponder Commands
- om Date>"-"<To Date> and it will work between the two dates, eg **<Valid:1/2/2010-10/2/2010>** to make ... t time (unlikely to be useful) or you can specify two times separated by a "-" when it will work between the two times. * Day of Week - You can also specify a d... nth name as specified by the locale * yy - Last two digits of year. A leading zero is added for singl
- Connections
- s up to 10 **Connections**, which can be either network connections or Dial-Up connections (using a mod... e a single **Connection** which is set to **Use network for Connection**. This is the case when VPOP3 c... ns defined ====Connection Method==== * **Use network for Connection**. In this case, VPOP3 assumes t... ust tries to access the remote servers over the network. Nowadays, most people have routers, so this is
- Mail Sender Advanced Settings
- t a message by returning an error code. There are two types of error: * A temporary/transient error. ... , the receiving disk is full, greylisting, etc. Network errors (eg connections dropping or timing out) ... on. It is a good idea to have the first retry or two set to a short delay such as 5 or 10 minutes. Thi
- Route incoming POP3 mail by parsing message headers
- situations it can be useful: Let's say you have two domains: **domain1.com** and **domain2.com**. May... mpanies sharing one VPOP3 server. Then, you have two email addresses **mark@domain1.com** and **mark@d... which go to //different// users. You can create two users **mark1** and **mark2** and mappings of **m
- Access Restrictions Internal Format
- ix. Or, if Type = 0, then 0 = 'Any', 1 = 'Local Networks', 2 = 'Routers' - Allow NoAuth: 0 = no, 1 = ... - 0 = Special - <blank> = N/A - 1 = Local Networks (because field 2 is 'Special') - 0 = Don't a
- LAN Forwarding Scripting
- ing.lua' script in Settings -> Scripts There are two global variables set: * MessageType - this is t... if the message will be LAN Forwarded. There are two functions: ====PreprocessRules==== This allows t
- Spam Filter Rules: DefineRule
- t one is used. It is unusual to define more than two default weights, as these are commonly just used ... defines a rule called 'MyMultipleWeightRule' with two default weights. <code> DefineRule "MyMultipleWei
- Security Settings -> Intrusion Protection Tab
- you specify can be an individual address, or a network range specified in [[wp>CIDR|CIDR]] format (eg ... you specify can be an individual address, or a network range specified in [[wp>CIDR|CIDR]] format (eg
- Spam Filter Rules: If
- ingle **If** statement, so if you need to test if two conditions are both met, you will need to nest two **If** statements, for instance <code> If ${score}
- POP3 Mail Collection
- ''s are set by the remote POP3 server. There are two situations where this can cause problems: - if ... load it. In fact, it may have arrived between the two login attempts. If VPOP3 is the only software col
- New message tab
- see from the screenshot, the page is divided into two main sections: |[[Webmail Menu|Menu bar]] | |[[#... actions===== ====Adding attachments==== There are two buttons to launch the attachments window: * Cli
- Misc Settings
- ] * [[misc_advanced|Advanced Tab]] * [[misc_network|Network Tab]] * [[misc_bandwidth pools|Bandwidth Pools]]
- LogDB.Recipients table
- that recipients are NOT 'normalised'. If you send two messages to the same recipient, there will be two entries in the 'recipients' table, not just one. ==
- SMTP Server -> IDS/IPS
- you specify can be an individual address, or a network range specified in [[wp>CIDR|CIDR]] format (eg ... you specify can be an individual address, or a network range specified in [[wp>CIDR|CIDR]] format (eg