Fulltext results:
- French Webmail Language File
- ook menuChangePassword=Change Password menuWebmailSettings=Webmail Settings menuMailboxSettings=Mailbox Settings menuQuarantine=Quarantine menuModerateLists=Moderate Lists menuAdministerVPOP3=Administe
- German Webmail Language Page
- enuChangePassword=Passwort ändern menuWebmailSettings=Webmail Einstellungen menuMailboxSettings=Mailbox Einstellungen menuQuarantine=Qurantäneübersic... Spam v4tbrefresh=Refresh v4generalclose=Close v4settingswindow=Settings v4passwordwindow=Password v4moderatewindow=Moderate Lists v4copywindow=Copy Messages v4mov
- Spanish Webmail Language File
- menuChangePassword=Cambio de Password menuWebmailSettings=Webmail Seteos menuMailboxSettings=Mailbox Seteos menuQuarantine=Cuarentena menuModerateLists=Moderate Li... v4tbrefresh=Refrescar v4generalclose=Concluir v4settingswindow=Configuración v4passwordwindow=Password v4... rash=Vaciar la papelera v4menutools=Útiles v4menusettings=Configuración v4menupassword=Passwords v4menumod
- Exchange 2007
- OP3 and Exchange Server on different PCs===== ====Setting up Exchange to accept mail for the appropriate do... TP** called **@<yourdomain>**. Usually the above settings are set during installation of Exchange Server, ... they are not there, so it is worth checking. ====Setting up Exchange to forward outgoing mail back to VPOP... press **OK**. Press **Next** - On the **Network Settings** page, select **Route mail through the followin
- Setting up VPOP3 to work with Exchange 2003
- ======Setting up VPOP3 to work with Exchange 2003====== The instructions below are for Exchange Server 2003. For other versions of Exchange [[setting up VPOP3 to work with Microsoft Exchange|see here... er disable these protocols in the Exchange Server settings, or change the ports assigned to these services ... P3 and Exchange Server on different PCs===== ====Setting up Exchange to accept mail for the appropriate do
- Out of Disk Space When Sending Mail
- is turned off, you may lose messages and/or VPOP3 settings! To turn off the disk space checks in VPOP3: ==Version 3 and later== Go to ''Settings -> Misc Settings -> Disk/Memory Checking'' and untick ''Enable disk space checking''. ==Version 2.2.0 and Later== Go to the ''Utilities -> Misc Settings'' page in the VPOP3 settings and untick 'Enable
- How to configure Mozilla Thunderbird
- ==== This article won't show you all the possible settings in Thunderbird, because there are so many. Thund... ns below are for Thunderbird version 3.0, but the settings should be similar in later versions. Earlier ver... kip some of the steps below. Note that the below settings are only suggestions, and there are many other w... l account in Thunderbird go to **Tools -> Account Settings**\\ {{:how_to:thunderbird1.png|}} - From the *
- Locked Accounts
- onary password attack on an account. The default settings are that after more than 3 attempts to log into ... the account for 30 minutes. You can change these settings on the **Settings -> Security Settings** page in the VPOP3 settings. To unlock an account, you can log into an administrat
- Spam Quarantine
- e messages in any user's quarantine by going to **Settings -> Spamfilter Settings -> Quarantine Viewer**. You can search for quarantined messages by recipient, send... e being automatically deleted. This is set in **Settings -> Spamfilter Settings -> General -> Quarantine Settings** as the **Delete messages from the Quarantine a
- We installed a new router and now nothing works
- router on your network and left it at the default settings, you may find that VPOP3 doesn't seem to work af... figure the new router's DHCP service to match the settings of the old router. This may seem more complicate... fic IP address for your VPOP3 PC in your router's settings, or choosing an IP address outside the router's ... on the **Services -> General** page in the VPOP3 settings (only if they are set to a specific IP address,
- Data stream contained NUL character
- mark) ====Version 6.17 or later==== In the VPOP3 settings go to Settings -> Misc Settings -> Advanced and set the **NULL characters in POP3 downloads** option as you wish. ====V... nd prompt in the VPOP3 directory and run: vpop3settings set POP3CltNullCharacterReplacement <asciicode>
- Move VPOP3 Version 5 (or later) to a new PC
- base backup (from step 2) on the new PC - Check settings on new PC - Start VPOP3 on the new PC - Disa... the VPOP3 directory (if it exists). This contains settings changes wanted by the installer, but they will o... han it was on the old PC, you need to change some settings. This needs a little utility. You can download it from http://www.pscs.co.uk/downloads/vpop3settings.zip . Download this file, and extract the conten
- Using VPOP3 Spam Filtering with LAN Forwarding
- r quarantined messages. There are 4 main ways of setting it up: - Have VPOP3 put spam in quarantines fo... Finally, remove any LAN Forwarding rules from ''Settings -> Local Mail -> LAN Forwarding -> Configuration... ===== To do this, go to Utilities -> Spam Filter Settings -> General in the VPOP3 settings, and specify something like 'spambox@mydomain.com' in the Redirect setti
- Mail Not Downloading From ISP
- turn on ''Log POP3 Client Connections'' on the **Settings -> Diagnostics -> Session Logs** page in the VPOP3 settings, and make VPOP3 connect to the ISP, it will writ... k. If you view this file either through the VPOP3 settings or in a text editor like Notepad, you will see V... ven though it isn't. To resolve this, go to the **Settings -> Misc Settings -> Advanced** settings page and
- How to Obtain Error Logs
- e. =====How Logging Works===== Under its default settings VPOP3 logs a minimal amount of information about... this size is set to 1MB but can be increased in ''Settings -> Diagnostics''. Once the files reach their max... will be found in the directory specified under ''Settings -> Diagnostics -> General -> Log Path''. By defa... e stored depends on your upgrade history and what settings changes you have made. =====The Right Files===