Fulltext results:
- French Webmail Language File
- sh to permanently delete these confirmdeletemsgs2=messages? managefolders=Manage Folders #header msgsininbox... you sure you wish to move these confirmtrashmsgs2=messages to the trash folder? emptyTrashConfirm=Are you su... ading Address Book v4headerfolders=Folders v4gridmessagesfrom=Messages from v4gridto= to v4gridof= of v4gridtitlefrom=From v4gridtitleto=To v4gridtitlesubject=Sub
- German Webmail Language Page
- sh to permanently delete these confirmdeletemsgs2=messages? managefolders=Verzeichnisse verwalten #header ms... you sure you wish to move these confirmtrashmsgs2=messages to the trash folder? emptyTrashConfirm=Are you su... ading Address Book v4headerfolders=Folders v4gridmessagesfrom=Messages from v4gridto= to v4gridof= of v4gridtitlefrom=From v4gridtitleto=To v4gridtitlesubject=Sub
- Delete OutQueue messages directly from the database
- ======Delete OutQueue messages directly from the database====== If there is an extremely large number of messages (eg hundreds of thousands) in the VPOP3 OutQueue,... 3pass At this point you may wish to see how many messages there are, and see if you can work out how they got there. ===To see how many messages are in the OutQueue=== ''SELECT COUNT(*) FROM out
- Mail Not Downloading From ISP
- ly happens because you have told VPOP3 to ''Leave Messages On Server'' (on the Mail Connectors -> Mail Colle... P3 General tab). If you do this, VPOP3 will leave messages on the ISP's mail server for several days, and re... time it connects it will see that there are some messages waiting, but it may find that it has already down... again. See also: [[Making VPOP3 re-download POP3 messages from the ISP]] for details on re-downloading old
- Restricting the number of messages sent
- ======Restricting the number of messages sent====== Some ISPs set restrictions on the number of messages that you are allowed to send in a certain time period, eg 50 messages per hour, or the number of messages that you are allowed to send per connection. =====Restriction of messa
- How to remove messages from the outbound queue
- ======How to remove messages from the outbound queue====== To delete messages from the VPOP3 'OutQueue': - log into the VPOP3 settin... counts list. This will show you a list of all the messages waiting to be sent by VPOP3 - Select the messages you want to delete, and either Hold or Delete them. Hol
- Repairing corrupted database
- cted chunk number error for toast value..' in the messages.msgdata table then this means that one (or more) ... ataid BIGINT); FOR badid IN SELECT msgdataid FROM messages.msgdata ORDER BY msgdataid LOOP curid = curid... SELECT msgdata INTO vcontent FROM messages.msgdata where msgdataid = badid; vcontent... d loop; end; $f$; </code> This will read all the messages from the database, and tell you which message(s)
- How to move messages between users
- ======How to move messages between users====== There are several ways to do this, depending on your exact n... trator Console===== You can view a user's 'Inbox' messages by clicking on the message count on the **Users** list, then select the messages, choose the target user, and press the **Move** or **Copy** button In version 5 you can view messages from folders other than the 'Inbox' folder, but o
- Not Working As Expected
- ething has actually 'gone wrong' then the [[error messages]] page is a better place to start looking for a solution. =====Sending Mail===== * [[Outbound messages not appearing in monitor|Outbound Messages are not appearing]] in the monitor target's mailbox. * [[VPOP3... ails]] * [[Daily summary does not show all sent messages]] * [[Forwarded emails not arriving]] * [[Sen
- VPOP3 Database Size
- atabase contains a lot more information than just messages in mailboxes. This can include settings, outgoing messages, historical logging information, statistical info... on for the spamfilter, information about archived messages, etc. Also, it generally keeps messages for a few days after they have been sent/deleted, for problem diagn
- How to use the VPOP3 Status Monitor
- ect mail, when it will next connect, and how many messages are waiting to be sent out, and in the logged-in ... ow local use, but will show incoming and outgoing messages. To switch between the two modes, either double-... hat the last connection poll partially failed, so messages were either sent or received, but there were stil... ssage(s) with more information. - The number of messages waiting to be sent out. If there is a number in p
- VPOP3 re-downloading old messages from the ISP POP3 server
- ======VPOP3 re-downloading old messages from the ISP POP3 server====== If you tell VPOP3's POP3 mail collector to leave messages on the ISP's server for a few days, you may find that sometimes VPOP3 will redownload all the messages from the ISP mailbox again. VPOP3 (like other email clients) keeps track of which messages it has previously downloaded, by remembering thei
- VPOP3 is using a lot of disk space
- age===== In VPOP3 version 5 and later, all users' messages are stored in the database, so they will occupy s... folder. In VPOP3 versions 3 and 4, users' small messages are stored in the database, so will occupy space in the VPOP3\pgsql\data folder. Large messages are stored in the VPOP3\_messages folder tree, so occupy space there. Note that in VPOP3 v3 and later, del
- Undelete Messages in VPOP3 Enterprise v5 or later
- ======Undelete Messages in VPOP3 Enterprise v5 or later====== If a user accidentally deletes messages or a message folder, you can easily undelete this within a few days. The amount of time that messages are stored in the VPOP3 'recycle bin' is set in *... **. The default is 72 hours (3 days) To undelete messages, go to the **Users** list, double-click the appro
- How to make VPOP3 re-download POP3 messages from the ISP
- ======How to make VPOP3 re-download POP3 messages from the ISP====== If you have the VPOP3 Mail Collector s... l On Server** enabled, then VPOP3 will leave your messages on the ISP POP3 server for the specified number o... this time, you want to make VPOP3 download those messages again, then you can do so. If you have VPOP3 ver... to **Settings -> Mail Collector -> (collector) -> Messages tab**. You can select the message(s) you want to