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- -ERR Mailbox Locked error
- nistrator access is allowed to the mailbox at the same time. If you require two (or more) programs or u... IMAP4 is designed to allow multiple access to the same mailbox at the same time. POP3 specifically prohibits that behaviour. If you think that only one thing... telling you. Note that POP3 and IMAP4 access the same mailbox. POP3 uses an exclusive lock and IMAP4 us
- Exchange 2007
- mentation. =====VPOP3 and Exchange Server on the same PC===== ====Changing the Exchange Server SMTP Por... === As both VPOP3 and Exchange Server are on the same computer, you will need to change the TCP/IP port... er are mail servers, they may both try to use the same TCP/IP ports which will lead to conflicts if they are both running on the same computer. This happens with 389 (LDAP). To stop t
- Setting up VPOP3 to work with Exchange 2003
- ine help. =====VPOP3 and Exchange Server on the same PC===== ====Changing the Exchange Server SMTP Por... === As both VPOP3 and Exchange Server are on the same computer, you will need to change the TCP/IP port... er are mail servers, they may both try to use the same TCP/IP ports which will lead to conflicts if they are both running on the same computer. This may happen with ports 110 (POP3),
- Using VPOP3 with Microsoft Exchange Server
- ver 5.5===== ====VPOP3 and Exchange Server on the same PC==== ===Changing the Exchange Server SMTP port=== As both VPOP3 and Exchange Server are on the same computer, you will need to change the TCP/IP port... er are mail servers, they may both try to use the same TCP/IP ports which will lead to conflicts if they are both running on the same computer. This happens with port 110 (POP3) and 3
- How To Encrypt Sessions
- k do. STARTTLS connections are carried out on the same port as normal (eg port 110 for POP3). With START... w either SSL or non-encrypted connections (on the same port) Note that you can change the port to 443 t... s long as there are no other https servers on the same IP address as the VPOP3 webmail service. Note th
- Using IMAP4 with VPOP3 Enterprise
- , unlike with POP3, several things can access the same mailbox at once. This means that several people can access the same mailbox, and you can also access the mailbox from... phone), and all computers will be able to see the same folders and messages - if you read, delete or mov
- Move VPOP3 Version 3 or 4 to a new PC
- s normal, but: - Make sure you install into the same directory that you copied the VPOP3 directory tre... ay end up with two copies of VPOP3 running at the same time, which will almost certainly cause strange t... ind the **PostgreSQL - VPOP3** service and do the same again ====Uninstall VPOP3==== Only uninstall VPO
- Handling mail for multiple incoming domains
- y.com' and 'mycompany.org', both of which are the same, so each address at mycompany.com also exists at mycompany.org, and the emails go to the same people regardless of which domain is used, then y... this will work for cases where most users are the same on both domains, but where there are a few except
- "Too many logins" error message
- nt creates large numbers of login sessions at the same time, and then retries before VPOP3 has time to s... he default settings usually allow 4 to 7 people/devices to log in to the same account at the same time.
- Mail Not Downloading From ISP
- from all other messages and which has to stay the same between download sessions. VPOP3 compares the li... utines, so that several messages may be given the same 'Unique ID'. This is a breach of the POP3 standar... ogram deletes that message, and the ISP gives the same unique ID to a new message before VPOP3 reconnect
- Creating Extra SMTP Services
- u cannot have two VPOP3 services listening on the same combination, or VPOP3 listening on the same combination as other software on the same PC. ====Have multiple SMTP services==== This is useful if yo
- Move VPOP3 Version 5 (or later) to a new PC
- s normal, but: * Make sure you install into the same directory that you copied the VPOP3 directory tre... ay end up with two copies of VPOP3 running at the same time, which will almost certainly cause strange t... s **OK** Find the **VPOP3DB** service and do the same again ====Uninstall VPOP3==== Only uninstall VPO
- Setting up an iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch
- Outgoing Mail Server details. The details are the same as for incoming mail. - Press Save - If you r... SSL encryption in email. The current way uses the same 'port' as normal, and sends a command to start en
- Signing outgoing mail with DKIM
- message. Note that the //selector// must be the same for all domains, so rename the .key files and DNS... elector names as that can cause confusion if a signing certificate changes but the selector is the same.
- Sharing IMAP4 folders
- hat it will not clash with other folders with the same name, either in the user's own folders or folders that other users are sharing with the same user.