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Database query to get all lists and members

At a command prompt in the VPOP3 directory run


(The password is 'vpop3pass')

Then, type

\copy (select, address from users.listmembers m inner join users.lists l on to 'c:/temp/x.csv' csv header;

(replace c:/temp/x.csv with the actual file you want to write to - you can use \ instead of / if you wish, but you have to double them up - c:/temp/x.csv would have to be written as c:\\temp\\x.csv)

Then, that file is a CSV file which you can read into Excel or something. There are two columns, (1) the list name, (2) the list member's email address

reference/get_all_lists_members.1416221450.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/14 10:44 (external edit)