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- SMTP Server Lua Scripting @reference
- Only) called at the end of a message to check if recipients are allowed * **MonitorBcc()** - (v6.3+ Enterp... e end of a message to allow customised logging of recipients * **LogRecipientsBlocked()** - (v6.3+ Enterprise Only) called at the end of a message if recipients have been blocked to allow customised logging of recipients * **End()** - called when the SMTP service ses
- Restricting the number of recipients sent to @how_to
- ======Restricting the number of recipients sent to====== Some ISPs set restrictions on the number of recipients that you are allowed to send in a certain time period, eg 50 messages per hour, or the number of recipients that you are allowed to send per message or per connection. =====Restriction of recipients per message/connection===== If your ISP restrict
- LAN Forwarding Scripting @reference
- ternal", there is once instance of the script per recipient- "PreprocessRules" is called first, then "GetRetu... Forwarding Rules PreprocessRules(return path, recipient, check mode, mail collector, recipient local part, recipient domain, rules) * return path = original return path * recipient = recipient * c
- Download Rules @reference
- a message will be sent to the originally intended recipient asking if they want the message to be downloaded ... from the ISP mailbox, and the originally intended recipient will receive a message saying that this has happe... rent user/list instead of the originally intended recipient * **Copy** - the message will be downloaded, an... rent user/list as well as the originally intended recipient * **Query and Copy** - the message will not be
- OutMsgRecipients Replacement @adminapi
- is returns a JSON array containing details on the recipients for the specified message in the VPOP3 out queue. There is one object returned per recipient, and the object is: id - recipient ID addr - email address busy - 1 if the message is currently being ... of the latest attempt to send the message to this recipient (blank if no attempt yet) forceretry - 1 if the
- LogDB.Recipients table @reference
- ======LogDB.Recipients table====== The [[LogDB]].Recipients table contains a record of the recipients for messages logged by VPOP3. A message may have one or more recipients =====Columns===== * rcptid - this is a [[htt
- Monitor Scripting @reference
- calls MonitorOut(sender, authenticated_sender, recipient_list, subject) or MonitorInternal(sender, recipient_list, subject) or MonitorIncoming(sender, recipient_list, subject) * **recipient_list** is a list of target email addresses for **MonitorOut** and a list of
- SMTP Service -> Advanced Tab @reference
- ake VPOP3 add one in that case. ====Add original recipients to custom header if message delivered to local m... === If a message is received using SMTP, then the recipients are specified using an SMTP Envelope which contains the addresses of the sender and recipients. When a mail server, such as VPOP3, delivers the... message headers do not contain details of the BCC recipients. Turning this option on will make VPOP3 add the
- GDPR for VPOP3 self-hosted software @faq
- outside the bounds of this article. In brief, the recipient will give the sender a 'public key' which is used... e message using software on their own PC, and the recipient uses the associated 'private key' to decrypt the ... ment to a secure website and emails a link to the recipient. These have issues to consider: * you are givin... not have had access to the data otherwise * the recipient needs to expect to receive the message this way.
- Lua SMTP Relay Control @reference
- axRecipientsPerConnection - The maximum number of recipients to specify in this connection * MaxRecipientsPerMessage - The maximum number of recipients to send each message to * ConnectedServer (rea... nce, some ISPs return '4xx' return codes for 'bad recipient', which makes VPOP3 retry sending the message whe... ilename, Actions, Size, CreationTime, ReturnPath, Recipients, HeaderData, HeaderLines)** * Filename - the
- Increase the spam score for certain recipients @reference
- ======Increase the spam score for certain recipients====== This script is for the case where you want certain **recipients** to have a weighted score. For instance if you ... "DodgyRecipients" 1 "Rule to add score to certain recipients" BulkScan Score [DodgyRecipients] To "recipient1@h" 50 Cc "recipient1@mycompany.com" 50 To "recipie
- POP3 Client Lua Scripting @reference
- ==== ''ProcessMessage("<mailfrom>", "<subject>", <recipient list>, <current actions>, <message MIME structure... ss * <subject> is the message subject line * <recipient list> is a table containing a list of the recipient email addresses (from the RCPT TO envelope) * <current... d the message be sent to the originally specified recipients * Delete boolean - should the message be del
- Configure Email Signatures @how_to
- images in signatures can be very annoying for the recipient. This especially applies if you embed the image in the email itself, as that means that the recipient **must** download the image. We have seen cases w... h are only of vanity purposes for the sender; the recipient does not want to see those images. Remember the recipient may be reading your email on a mobile device with
- Message Monitoring @reference
- same user (or list), you cannot specify different recipients for different monitored users. (This may be some... into the **Send random X %** box, and specify the recipient for the random sample of messages. At the bottom... re are some header lines starting with 'X-Monitor-Recipient' or 'X-Monitor-Recipients' added to the message header showing who the message was originally intended for.
- SMTP Service - Filtering @reference
- the 'MAIL FROM' value of the SMTP envelope * **Recipient Address** - the value of any recipient of the message - for local users this is after Aliases etc have been expanded * **This Recipient Address** - the value of the current recipient being processed (during the 'RCPT TO' phase) * **Recipient