Fulltext results:
- German Webmail Language Page @how_to
- min login webmaillogin=Webmail Anmeldung enterusername=Sie müssen einen Benutzernamen angeben bookmarksnotsupported=I'm sorry, but your web browser does ... elt! adminonly=Nur Administrator-Login aktiv! username=Username: password=Password: rememberme=Benutzername für die nächste Anmeldung merken<br><i>(
- French Webmail Language File @how_to
- admin login webmaillogin=web mail login enterusername=You must specify your VPOP3 username here bookmarksnotsupported=I'm sorry, but your web browser does no... p! adminonly=Administrator logon access only! username=Username: password=Password: rememberme=Remember me next time I connect<br><em>(not recommended on shar
- Restore Deleted Calendars @how_to
- wing steps at a command prompt (alter paths & filenames as necessary). When asked for a PostgreSQL passw... recalendar.py' <code>import psycopg2 backup_hostname = 'localhost' backup_port = 5433 backup_username = 'vpop3' backup_password = 'vpop3pass' backup_databas... = 'vpop3temp' restore_user = 'paul' active_hostname = 'localhost' active_port = 5433 active_username
- SMTP Server Lua Scripting @reference
- Users** - (IN/OUT) - string - List of allowed usernames (separated by spaces) if there are any username restrictions for this client IP address ===V5 and lat... = * **AuthenticatedUser** - (IN) - string - username of authenticated sender (using SMTP or POP3-then-... * **SMTPAuthenticatedUser** - (IN) - string - username of authenticated sender (using SMTP authenticatio
- User Manager Script @reference
- people to be able to log in using a different username than their VPOP3 username (eg if you want them to be able to log in using an email address), then you c... UA. VPOP3 calls a function called **TranslateUsername** which should have the following prototype: TranslateUsername(<protocol>, <submitted username>) Protocol indic
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- square brackets. You can either just give a [[pagename]] or use an additional [[pagename|link text]]. Internal links are created by using square brackets. You can either just give a [[pagename]] or use an additional [[pagename|link text]]. [[doku>pagename|Wiki pagenames]] are converted to lower
- ListServer Commands @reference
- ed to **sub**) Send a subject of **subscribe listname**. For example Subject: subscribe offers-list n.b. Use the //list name//, not the email address of the list This adds t... to **uns**) Send a subject of **unsubscribe listname**. For example Subject: unsubscribe offers-list n.b. Use the //list name//, not the email address of the list You can use
- Attachment Processing Script @reference
- ltered: * NeedsRecode * NeedsRewrite * GetRename * GetContentDispositionLine (added in v7.8) *... eedsRewrite==== function NeedsRewrite(attachmentname, MIMEtype, filtervariables) Called when VPOP3 is... for VPOP3 to process attachments, eg to remove/rename an attachment due to Attachment Filtering) * returns True if the Lua script wants to rewrite/rename the attachment ====GetRename==== function GetR
- Settings -> Attachment Processing @reference
- essage is received by VPOP3. The **Attachment filenames to filter** box allows you to use basic pattern ... ments; for instance, if there is a particular filename extension, which would enable a malicious file to... i>*</nowiki>**.\\ e.g. **?x*.txt** will match filenames such as //__example.txt__// and //__Oxford.txt__... match __//Texas.txt//__ ===Default filtered filenames=== ^Pattern ^Explanation ^ |<code>*.vbs</code>
- How to filter attachments @how_to
- _to:filter1.png}} You can specify attachment filenames to filter using DOS style wildcards * and ?. VPO... he message through, but it can either remove or rename the attachment, so that it cannot be run easily. For instance if you have told VPOP3 to rename filtered attachments, a filename of **document.txt.exe** will be renamed to **document.txt.ex_**, this
- Spanish Webmail Language File @how_to
- admin login webmaillogin=web mail login enterusername=Especificar aca el usuario de Correo bookmarksnot... =Login de acceso unicamente al Administrador! username=Usuario: password=Password: rememberme=Recordar e... ta v4menunewrootfolder=Nueva carpeta raĆz v4menurenamefolder=Cambiar el nombre de Carpeta v4menudeletefo... ratesuspend=Suspender v4moderateban=Prohibir v4renamefolderprompt=Por favor, introduzca el nuevo nombre
- Attachments have been removed or renamed @how_to
- ======Attachments have been removed or renamed====== If you have received an email and one or more of its attachments have been removed or renamed, it might be a result of [[how_to:filtering_atta... other bits of information are included in the filename and separated by dots. This could potentially tri... wing rule: ***.???.???** The rule detects a filename that ends in a dot, followed by three characters,
- Misc -> General Tab @reference
- ======Misc -> General Tab====== ====VPOP3 Host Name==== The VPOP3 Host Name is used by VPOP3 when it is telling other mail software what it is called. For ... ects to another SMTP server it will send the host name as the parameter for the HELO or EHLO command, an... n SMTP client connects to VPOP3, it announces its name in the welcome banner as required by the SMTP sta
- VPOP3.RenameFolder Lua function @reference
- ======VPOP3.RenameFolder Lua function====== The [[management scripting|Lua management]] function 'VPOP3.RenameFolder' renames a folder for the specified user. VPOP3.RenameFolder(username, folder, newname); * **username** i
- Archive Script @reference
- mStore_Upload==== CustomStore_Upload(local_filename, archive_filename) Uploads 'local_filename' and makes it accessible online as 'archive_filename'. In the future, the message will be referred to u
- Database query to list messages in the LAN forwarding queue waiting to go to a specific server @reference