Fulltext results:
- How to filter attachments
- ======How to filter attachments====== VPOP3 can filter attachments in several ways. The most general is to use the Settings ... Filtering tab as described below. VPOP3 can also filter attachments using the [[spam filter|content/spam filter]], or by using an integrated [[virus scanner]].
- Spam filter not working
- ======Spam filter not working====== If the VPOP3 spam filter appears not to be working at all, the first thing to do is to ... aders]] of an incoming message to see if the spam filter is being run at all. Check to see if a header li... 3-Spam header is not in the header, then the spam filter is not processing the message. Some possible rea
- Spamfilter Whitelist & Blacklist
- ======Spamfilter Whitelist & Blacklist====== The VPOP3 spamfilter has a whitelist and a blacklist for sender addresses. I... the VPOP3 settings by going to **Settings -> Spamfilter -> White/Black Lists** By default, whenever you ... Similarly, if you release a message from the spamfilter quarantine, the sender's address will be added to
- Training the VPOP3 Spam Filter
- ======Training the VPOP3 Spam Filter====== The VPOP3 spam filter has a couple of mechanisms which can be used to 'train' it to distinguish between spam and not-spam. =====Bayesian Filter===== The Bayesian filter this looks at words in messages sent and received and their probabilities of bei
- Custom filtering incoming mail
- stom filtering incoming mail====== If you want to filter incoming mail using custom rules there are a few ... incoming mail is via POP3 collection, you want to filter on headers, size etc (not contents) * [[SMTP r... your incoming mail is via SMTP feed, you want to filter on headers, size etc (not contents) * [[Spam filter/content filter scripts]] if you want to filter on
- Using VPOP3 Spam Filtering with LAN Forwarding
- h LAN Forwarding====== When using the VPOP3 Spam filter with LAN forwarding you need to be aware a bit of how it works. The spam filter will only quarantine messages which are going to ... l. In the onward SMTP mail server set up rules to filter messages either on the 'VPOP3-SPAM:' prefix added... P3-SpamResult: YES" header line added by the spam filter to any detected spam messages. =====Have VPOP3 r
- "How To" Articles
- [Using the Message Archive]] * [[Using the Spam Filter]] * [[Filtering Attachments]] * [[Backup VPOP... * [[Calendars on eM Client|eM Client]] =====Spam Filter===== * [[Turning the spam filter on or off]] * [[Training the spam filter]] * [[Adjusting the spam filter weights]] * [[Write your o
- 450 4.3.2 Content Filter Timeout
- ======450 4.3.2 Content Filter Timeout====== If you get this error appearing when messages are sent to VPO... status monitor, it means that the VPOP3 computer filter is taking more than the allowed amount of time (u... ). The allowed time is set in **Settings -> Spam Filter -> General -> Enable Spam/Content filter on SMTP messages - timeout XX secs** In normal situations the c
- Spam filter / Content filter scripts
- ======Spam filter / Content filter scripts====== The spam filter system uses basic scripting language for processing messages. This can be ... he message headers etc. See the [[reference:spam_filter_rules|spam filter reference]] for instructions on
- How to write your own spam filter rules
- ======How to write your own spam filter rules====== VPOP3's spam filter uses a basic scripting language designed for filtering email messages, s... r a technical reference, see our [[reference:spam_filter_rules|Spam Filter Rules documentation]]. A basic thing that people might want to do is to filter on a p
- Spam Quarantine
- Quarantine====== By default, when the VPOP3 spam filter detects a message as being spam, it will go to th... y user's quarantine by going to **Settings -> Spamfilter Settings -> Quarantine Viewer**. You can search f... cally deleted. This is set in **Settings -> Spamfilter Settings -> General -> Quarantine Settings** as t... quarantine totally by going to **Settings -> Spamfilter Settings -> General -> Quarantine Settings** and
- VPOP3 Database Size
- information, statistical information for the spamfilter, information about archived messages, etc. Also, ... s the same. This is because the data for the spam filter statistical analyser, historical logging, archive... pts - for the intrusion prevention system * spamfilter.bayes2 - this contains statistical data for the spamfilter * outqueue.outmessages - this contains messages
- Spam Filter User Documentation
- ======Spam Filter User Documentation====== Below is a document which may be useful for providing to users for using the VPOP3 spamfilter as a user (not administrator) {{:how_to:spamfilter_user_doc.doc|}} {{tag>spamfilter}}
- Using the VPOP3 Spam Filter
- ======Using the VPOP3 Spam Filter====== * [[Training the Spam Filter]] * [[reference:spam_filter_rules|Customising the spam filter scripts]]
- VPOP3 is using a lot of disk space
- the number of days specified in Settings -> Spam Filter -> [[reference:spam_filter_general|General]] -> [[reference:spamfilter_quarantine_settings|Quarantine Settings]] -> "Delete Messages... ch as logging data, statistical data for the spam filter, etc. In versions 3 and later, this is all stored