
How can I place an order


The easiest way to place an order is online. Click on the Purchase item in our website navigation bar, and select the appropriate product. You will be presented with a price list. Choose the required item and click the Buy button. You will then be asked to enter your details and payment information.

Online, you can pay using a credit card, debit card, or Paypal.

Our website displays prices in UK pounds, but if you wish you can choose an alternative payment currency at checkout. Note that the prices you pay in alternative currencies will be those determined at the time of purchase using the current exchange rate from the payment processor, so the price will be the same, whether you purchase in UK pounds or an alternate currency.

In most cases, if you purchase online, you will receive the licence key immediately on screen and in an email. The invoice will usually be sent within 1 working day, but there may occasionally be delays due to staff holidays. Invoices are sent for every purchase, you do not need to request an invoice. They are sent by email (VAT invoices will be sent if appropriate).

If you have any problems ordering online, call us on 01484 855801 for help, or to place the order by telephone.


Alternatively, you can place an order by telephone during UK office hours (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday). This may be the best option if you are not sure what you should buy. To place an order by telephone, call us on 01484 855801.

By telephone, you can pay using a credit card or debit card (Paypal is not available). All telephone orders must be charged in UK pounds.

You should receive the licence details within 30 minutes. The invoice will usually be sent within 1 working day, but there may occasionally be delays due to staff holidays. Invoices are sent for every purchase, you do not need to request an invoice. They are sent by email (VAT invoices will be sent if appropriate).

faq/how_can_i_place_an_order.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/05 15:24 by paul