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- Spanish Webmail Language File @how_to
- Correo bookmarksnotsupported=Disculpe, pero su navegador no soporta esta funcion. loginfailed=Login Fa... es no habilitadas! Favor de habilitarlas en su Navegador e intente nuevamente. sessionexpired=Su Sesion finalizo. browseripchanged=La IP de su navegador cambio desde que se inicio la sesion. nonexis... bilitados userdeniedaccessrestrictions=Usuario denegado en WebMail, Acceso Restringido keytimeout=La e
- How To Move VPOP3 Version 2 to a New PC @how_to
- is not compatible with VPOP3) - Copy the VPOP3 registry branch - On the original VPOP3 computer, run REGEDIT. - Find **HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Pa... ware\WOW6432Node\PaulSmith** instead). Note that registry key names are case insensitive, so your PC m... eft, and choose **Export**. - Save it to a .REG file, eg **VPOP3.REG** - Copy the file to the
- Move VPOP3 Version 3 or 4 to a new PC @how_to
- r the VPOP3\pgsql directory** - Copy the VPOP3 registry branch to the new PC - Install VPOP3 on th... n the new PC - Reset some paths in the Windows registry - Check settings on new PC - Start VPOP3... **C:\VPOP3** folder instead) =====Copy the VPOP3 registry branch===== * On the original VPOP3 computer, run REGEDIT. * Find **HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Paul
- Address Book tab @reference
- /closed by pressing the +/- icons next to each category. ====List of contacts==== The top-right panel... ook tab to add recipients. ====Creating a new category==== VPOP3 allows you to maintain various categories for different groups of contacts. For example, you may want the following categories: * Customers * Suppliers * Family
- Spamfilter White/Blacklists @reference
- e Weights|Rule Weights]] to alter this behaviour (eg you could increase the Whitelist rule weight whic... ndard' wildcards (* and ?) or you can use a PCRE regular expression by surrounding the text with / ... / characters (with optional [[http://www.regular-expressions.info/modifiers.html|PCRE modifiers]] after the last /). Regular expressions give you the most control and fle
- Spamfilter Whitelist & Blacklist @how_to
- eights so that one has precedence over the other, eg set the whitelist weight to '-150' to make the wh... ammer has sent a message pretending to be from a legitimate user. Because of this it is often not wor... formance. In fact the 'words' can be phrases or regular expressions as well as simple words. VPOP3 wi... (split onto two lines). You can also use [[wp>regular expressions]] to make the checks more flexibl
- How to Backup VPOP3 @how_to
- ckup if possible. You do not need to backup the registry in version 5 (as you did for earlier version... le, but for advanced users may give big benefits, eg hot standby servers, point-in-time-recovery (PITR... e two PCs). If you have a more complicated setup (eg replicating over the Internet) this can be more c... e mailbox contents. * Backup the VPOP3 windows registry settings. These are at **HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\
- v3/4 - Move the message store to a new folder/drive @how_to
- ing the message store to a networked or external (eg USB/Firewire) drive. =====Stop VPOP3===== Go to ... pgsql\bin** directory under that Run pg_ctl unregister -N "PostgreSQL-VPOP3" If that comes back with ''pg_ctl: service "PostgreSQL-VPOP3" not registered'' then try running this instead: pg_ctl unregister -N "pgsql-8.3" =====Move database to the new
- Spamfilter database comparators @reference
- he above comparators makes them case insensitive (eg **==* **) Whether or not the value specified in ... he above comparators makes them case insensitive (eg **nei**) * ~ does a [[http://www.postgresql.org... 1/static/functions-matching.html#FUNCTIONS-POSIX-REGEXP|POSIX regular expression]] match comparison * !~ does a [[http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/sta
- Autoresponder Commands @reference
- or yyyy/mm/dd depending on the VPOP3 computer's regional settings. If you just specify a single date,... <To Date> and it will work between the two dates, eg **<Valid:1/2/2010-10/2/2010>** to make the autore... 10 (inclusive), assuming the server has European regional settings. * Time - the time can be specifi... rs of the day of the week defined by the Windows regional settings, eg 'Mon', 'Tue' etc in the UK. Da
- Status Monitor (port 5109) protocol @reference
- N <username> <password> You will receive a line beginning with either "+OK" if the authentication suc... ncorrect password, permissions not allowed, etc) eg, for the user postmaster, password 'admin' +OK... N <username> <response> You will receive a line beginning with either "+OK" if the authentication suc... ncorrect password, permissions not allowed, etc) eg, for the user postmaster, password 'admin' +OK
- Error message: VPOP3 does not have write access to the registry - please check and restart VPOP3 @how_to
- message: VPOP3 does not have write access to the registry - please check and restart VPOP3====== VPOP3 needs to be able to write to the Windows Registry at **HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PaulSmith**... permission to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE part of the registry. However, it is possible to lock down permis... y encounter this error message. To do this, run RegEdit, find the **HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PaulS
- Error message: Your connection has been blocked temporarily - Try again later @how_to
- Every time one of the monitored events happens (eg a failed login, or a message containing a blocked... op a subnet being blocked by using CIDR notation, eg **** ====The 'Block' list==== The '... s, you can block a subnet by using CIDR notation, eg **** In the block list, if you dou... ommon reasons for problems===== Common causes of legitimate IP addresses being blocked are: * sendin
- Spam Filter Rules: IfMatch @reference
- on |2.1.7+ | ^Purpose |Allows you to perform a regular or substring match on a variable or part of t... ter to the **IfMatch** statement can either be a regular expression or a simple case insensitive subst... ld put quotes around the text or Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) to search for. To specify a regular expression surround it with '/' characters, o
- Out of Disk Space When Sending Mail @how_to
- sions prior to 2.2.0== You will have to edit the registry manually as below: * Close VPOP3 * Run Regedit, and find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PaulSmi... sions prior to 2.2.0== You will have to edit the registry manually as below: * Close VPOP3 * Run RegEdit and find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PaulSmit