Fulltext results:
- Spam Filter Rules: Assignments @reference
- o variables using the syntax <code> ${variable} = value | ${variable} </code> =====Assignment operators=... following assignment operators: ^= |Specify the value of the variable to equal the value after the assignment operator | ^+= |Add the numeric value after the assignment operator to the current nume
- SMTP Server Lua Scripting @reference
- ry in the form of a single number (so a resulting value of '' which be stored as 0x0100007f or 1... lt VPOP3 welcome text will be used, or the return value from the **Start()** function if any. Otherwise t... ELO// command At session start the **<hostname>** value is the SMTP client IP address. At the //EHLO/HELO... t receives a //EHLO// command The **<hostname>** value is the value of the parameter to the //EHLO// com
- Spam Filter Rules: DBUpdate @reference
- ment requires a component name, key, operator and value, in the format DBUpdate <component name> <key> <operator> <value> * If the record does not exist, then it will ... +=, -=, .=, upper or lower * = sets the record value to the specified value * += adds the specified value to record value (assumed numeric) * -= subtract
- Spam Filter Rules: DBQueryOne @reference
- on the spam filter database and returns a single value which is either the value of a record or an aggregate of several records. The **DBQueryOne** statement requires a component name, key, operator and value, in the format DBUpdate <component name> <type>... 'first' or 'last' * max - returns the maximum value (treated as strings) * maxnum - returns the m
- SMTP Service - Filtering @reference
- a which can be checked are: * **Subject** - the value of the message's 'Subject' header field * **From** - the value of the message's 'From' header field * **To** - the value of the message's 'To' header field * **Cc** - the value of the message's 'Cc' header field * **Return-P
- Spam Filter Rules: RemoveBag @reference
- Version |2.2.1+ | ^Purpose |Removes a specified value from a bag | The **RemoveBag** statement requires a bag name and a value, in the format RemoveBag <bag name> <value> *If the value is found in the bag, it is removed *If a value occurs multiple times, only the first
- Spam Filter Rules: AddBag @reference
- |AddBag | ^Version |2.2.1+ | ^Purpose |Adds a value into a 'bag' containing a collection of values, c... *AddBag** statement requires a type, bag name and value, in the format AddBag <type> <bag name> <value> *<type> may be either 'unique' or 'multi' *If <type> is 'unique', then 'value' will only be added to 'bag' if it does not alrea
- Spam Filter Rules: IfInBag @reference
- rsion |2.3.7+ | ^Purpose |Checks if a specified value is in a particular bag | The **IfInBag** statement requires a bag name and value, in the format IfInBag <bag name> <value> *All **IfInBag** statements must be followed by an **EndI... optionally include an **Else** statement *The <value> can either be a simple string, a regular express
- Spamfilter White/Blacklists @reference
- <number> - compare the addcount to the specified value (whitelist only). //e.g. addcount>100// - **fin... <number> - compare the findcount to the specified value. //e.g. findcount<75// - **initiallyadded** <co... which initially added the entry to the specified value (using wildcards). //e.g. addedby:fred*// - **a... ch automatically added the entry to the specified value (using wildcards) (whitelist only). //e.g. autoad
- Lua SMTP Relay Control @reference
- e global variable * UseBATV - this is a boolean value saying whether to [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... rt** which takes no parameters, and has no return value. This can be used for initialisation, or for chan... ted** which takes no parameters and has no return value. The **ConnectedServer** global variable is set j... that if the ISP gives a multi-line response, this value contains the full response, not just one line of
- Spam Filter Rules: DefineSetting @reference
- ^Purpose |Defines a generic setting, the default value and description | The **DefineSetting** statement requires a name, default value and description, in the format DefineSetting "<name>" <default value> "<description>" Defining settings like this all... eave blank for none)" </code> Entering a setting value into the log file <code> #This logs the 'Redirect
- Spam Filter Rules: BulkScan @reference
- ch specifier> requires a data parameter, a search value and a modification value, in the format <data> <search> <modification value> VPOP3 goes through all of the search specifiers b... dBulkScan statements. Where there is a match, the value of the specified variable is increased by the <mo
- Spam Filter Rules: AddHeader @reference
- sent: * It will be replaced if an alternative value is specified. * It will be removed if no value is specified. * If the specified header is not alre... </code> Removing a header line, by not setting a value <code> AddHeader "X-MyHeader:" </code> Changing the value of a header, or inserting it if it does not alrea
- User Routing Script @reference
- veral global variables set: * Assistants - the value of the 'Assistants' setting for this user (string) * RedirectToAssistant - the value of the 'Redirect to Assistant' setting for this user (boolean) * Forwards - the value of the 'Forward To' setting for this user (string) * UseForwards - the value of the 'UseForwarding' setting for this user (boo
- Scheduling Management Scripts @reference
- on is unloaded. This function can return a string value which will be passed to the ''Reload(str)'' funct... d and the new version has been loaded. The string value ''str'' passed to this function is the return value of the previous ''Unload()'' function called earlier (or an empty string if there was no such return value) ====Sched1Min==== VPOP3 calls the ''Sched1Min()