Fulltext results:
- UserRuleUpdate Replacement @mailapi
- s - inserted/deleted/updated * name * all * type This inserts/updates/deletes the specified messa... rn value is an XML tag: ==For inserted== <action type="insert" sid="old id" tid="new id"> or <action type="error" sid="old id" tid="old id"> ==For deleted== <action type="delete" sid="id" tid="id"> ==For updated== <act
- Spam Filter Rules: ForEach @reference
- either two or three parameters (depending on the type of loop that is being conducted), in the format ForEach <loop type> <data> <loop variable name> On each pass throug... ts must be followed by an **EndFor** statement ^ Type ^ Description ^ Data ^ Version ^ ^Addr |Finds ea... as\\ ''<section number>:<IMAP4 section ID>:<MIME type>:<section size>:<number of lines>:<attachment nam
- UserRuleActionUpdate Replacement @adminapi
- ativeeditor_status - inserted/deleted/updated * type * data This inserts/updates/deletes the specif... rn value is an XML tag: ==For inserted== <action type="insert" sid="old id" tid="new id"> or <action type="error" sid="old id" tid="old id"> ==For deleted== <action type="delete" sid="id" tid="id"> ==For updated== <act
- How to move messages between users @how_to
- 3 vpop3** (default password is **vpop3pass**) - Type **SELECT * FROM users.users;** - find the source ... all existing folders for the target user: - type **DELETE FROM messages.folders where userid=//<targetuser>//;** - type **UPDATE messages.folders SET userid=//<targetuse... he moved folders "moved_<original name>": - type **UPDATE messages.folders SET userid=//<targetuse
- UserRuleUpdate Replacement @adminapi
- s - inserted/deleted/updated * name * all * type This inserts/updates/deletes the specified messa... rn value is an XML tag: ==For inserted== <action type="insert" sid="old id" tid="new id"> or <action type="error" sid="old id" tid="old id"> ==For deleted== <action type="delete" sid="id" tid="id"> ==For updated== <act
- UserRuleActionUpdate Replacement @mailapi
- ativeeditor_status - inserted/deleted/updated * type * data This inserts/updates/deletes the specif... rn value is an XML tag: ==For inserted== <action type="insert" sid="old id" tid="new id"> or <action type="error" sid="old id" tid="old id"> ==For deleted== <action type="delete" sid="id" tid="id"> ==For updated== <act
- PostgreSQL server won't start due to damaged log files @how_to
- -A md5</code> - When it prompts for a password, type in the password you want for the PostgreSQL super... different, make sure you remember what it is! - Type <code>copy data_old\postgresql.conf data</code><c... ssword for new role' and 'Enter it again' prompts type **vpop3pass**. At the 'Password:' prompt type **pgsqlpass** (or whatever password you defined in the st
- Troubleshooting Tips @how_to
- et client, go to ''Start -> Run'' in Windows, and type ''cmd'' and press OK In the command prompt window that appears, type: Telnet <address of VPOP3 computer> <port numb... P3 service (port 110) if VPOP3 is on, type: Telnet 110 The response should... > If this is the response you get then you can type USER <username> followed by PASS <password>
- Spam Filter Rules: DBInsert @reference
- database | The **DBInsert** statement requires a type, component name, key and value, in the format DBInsert <type> <component name> <key> <value> * <type> may be either 'unique' or 'multi' * If <type> is 'unique', then the record will only be created if t
- UserRuleConditionUpdate Replacement @mailapi
- rn value is an XML tag: ==For inserted== <action type="insert" sid="old id" tid="new id"> or <action type="error" sid="old id" tid="old id"> ==For deleted== <action type="delete" sid="id" tid="id"> ==For updated== <action type="update" sid="id" tid="id"> or <action type="erro
- Message Rules @reference
- e visible in the drop-down list, but you can also type any header field name in there which you wish. ... ome a **does not contain** condition The **Match Type** column indicates the way in which the **Data** ... way. E.g. to add a header 'X-MyData: 1' you would type that into the 'Data' box ====Message Types==== Message Rules only apply to messages arriving in a user
- SMTP Server Lua Scripting @reference
- ction * ContentType string - the main content type (eg 'text', 'image' etc) * ContentSubtype str... f the attachment * MIMEType string - the MIME type of the attachment * Size number - the size of the attachment * Type string - the type of attachment (MIME, UUE, BINHEX, MIMEUUE, MIMEBINHEX, TNEF) In <actions>, 'Delete'
- Attachment Processing Script @reference
- ttachment ====GetRename==== function GetRename(type, attachmentName, MIMEtype, filterVariables) * type = MIME or UUENCODE * returns two values, the f... t is the new filename, the second is the new MIME type (eg 'text/plain', 'image/jpeg', etc) ====GetCont... ntDispositionLine(originalContentDispositionLine, type, attachmentName, rewriteSection, MIMEtype, filter
- Spam Filter Rules: AddBag @reference
- necessary | The **AddBag** statement requires a type, bag name and value, in the format AddBag <type> <bag name> <value> *<type> may be either 'unique' or 'multi' *If <type> is 'unique', then 'value' will only be added to 'bag' i
- UserRuleConditionUpdate Replacement @adminapi
- rn value is an XML tag: ==For inserted== <action type="insert" sid="old id" tid="new id"> or <action type="error" sid="old id" tid="old id"> ==For deleted== <action type="delete" sid="id" tid="id"> ==For updated== <action type="update" sid="id" tid="id"> or <action type="erro
- Database query to make LAN Forwarding immediately attempt to dequeue all pending messages @reference