Fulltext results:
- SMTP Relay Service FAQ
- uk|sales@pscs.co.uk]] or 01484 855801. =====What size subscriptions are available?===== The standard sizes are: * 5000 msgs / 750 MB per month - £40 per yr... to 1 person, that counts as 1 message, and 100kB size. If you send the same message to 15 people, that counts as 15 messages and 1500kB size. This is because, in most cases, the SMTP relay s
- Can I add two licences together?
- e price per user decreases rapidly as the licence sizes increase (eg £9 per user for 10 users, and £6 pe... it is more cost effective to upgrade the licence size rather than to add licences. For instance, if yo
- Can I change the VPOP3 licence owner name?
- hange if you upgrade to a later version or larger size of VPOP3 or there is a £10 administration fee if
- GDPR for hosted VPOP3 service
- ut it other than a 'spam score'. The quantity and size of messages are also tracked to handle quota rest
- GDPR for other hosting services (eg web hosting)
- nfidentiality. For instance, we look at the total size of your website or database to handle quota restr
- What is PostgreSQL?
- r Express was ruled out because it has a database size limit of 4GB. Given that we were planning on usin