Fulltext results:
- SMTP Relay Service FAQ
- 15 times, once to each recipient, even though you may have just sent it once. According to many source... predictable?===== If your usage varies wildly, it may be inefficient to buy a plan to allow your larges... * If the usage is totally unpredictable, then you may be better using our direct-debit option (within t... r on port 587, using STARTTLS. Alternatively, you may connect without using STARTTLS, or connect on por
- GDPR for hosted VPOP3 service
- then data will be transferred to Amazon S3 which may be outside of the EU). - **The exception to the... EU. - For the hosted VPOP3 service, the data we may hold is usernames & email addresses of your users... dual message contents except at your request, but may look at the list of subject lines, and sender & r... sswords we will choose secure passwords, but they may be reset to less secure passwords by you or your
- Windows Server Port Conflicts
- you run VPOP3 on a server edition of Windows you may receive an error saying ''LDAP server not starte... AP Service. =====SMTP Server conflict===== You may also get a similar 10048 error referring to the VPOP3 SMTP server, or you may get unusual errors when sending messages to the VPOP3 SMTP service. In this case, it may be due to the Microsoft 'Simple Mail Transfer Pro
- GDPR for other hosting services (eg web hosting)
- ng transmitted outside of the EU. - The data we may hold is anything you have uploaded to your websit... sswords we will choose secure passwords, but they may be reset to less secure passwords by you or your users. In this case, there may be a data breach because of a discovered password
- How can I place an order
- l usually be sent within 1 working day, but there may occasionally be delays due to staff holidays. Inv... office hours (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday). This may be the best option if you are not sure what you s... l usually be sent within 1 working day, but there may occasionally be delays due to staff holidays. Inv
- How do I write an email to technical support?
- steps you have already tried - failing to do this may mean that our first response(s) are just telling ... that could have been resolved in a couple of days may take over a week. Remember that our normal respo
- Lost Licence Details
- egister on older versions of VPOP3) button. (This may not be possible if you bought the VPOP3 licence t... SCS Purchase Results or something similar, so you may still have this email in your email client softwa
- Multiple VPOP3 icons in the taskbar
- == If you reinstall VPOP3 it is possible that you may end up with two VPOP3 Status Monitor icons in the... ndows. Depending on your version of Windows there may be two separate Startup groups, or both might be
- Which versions of Windows will VPOP3 run on?
- r later Additionally, server versions of Windows may have LDAP and/or SMTP services already running. This may conflict with the services VPOP3 runs but it is [
- Can you remotely log into our VPOP3 computer to fix a problem?
- help. Note that in exceptional circumstances we may offer free remote support, but this is the except
- How can I download old versions of VPOP3?
- f_vpop3_supported|Note that old versions of VPOP3 may no longer be supported under our free email suppo
- What is Software Maintenance?
- ate, //not// the current date. So, the new expiry may not be a year in the future. Alternatively, you c
- What is Software Maintenance?
- ate, //not// the current date. So, the new expiry may not be a year in the future. Alternatively, you c