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- SMTP Server Lua Scripting
- server is launched - ie whenever someone opens a connection to port 25 on the VPOP3 server to send it a messa... ForceDisconnect** - (IN/OUT) - boolean - drop the connection as soon as possible * **UseBATV** - (IN/OUT) - ... the SMTP result code). VPOP3 will terminate the connection if a **5xx** or **4xx** result code is given In ... n the SMTP result code - VPOP3 will terminate the connection if a **5xx** or **4xx** result code is given. ==
- Error Handling Scripting
- error - boolean indicating whether the error is a connection error or not * title_id - numeric ID of the mes
- Lua SMTP MX Control
- of the message being sent * connnid - the VPOP3 Connection/Sender ID * connection - the VPOP3 Connection/Sender name The function returns an Actions object saying what to do with the message... ins: * forceTLS - 1/0 to indicate that STARTTLS connection is forced. Connection fails if STARTTLS is not su
- Status Monitor (port 5109) protocol
- ucture * <text> is the status line text ===1 - Connection Status=== An update line beginning with '1' (ASCII code 48) indicates a connection status update. This is the text which usually appears in the 'Connection' box of the Status Monitor The structure of the line is: 1<text> * <text> is the connection status text =====Commands=====
- Settings -> Admin Settings
- ator. There are three checkboxes: * **Generate Connection Error Messages** * **Send all TCP/IP Error Mess
- Mail Connectors -> Mail Senders -> SMTP Direct
- ed if you have a high-end business class Internet connection - such as a leased line, or your mail server is c... P Direct sending on a dial-up/ADSL/Cable/FTTC/etc connection may be problematic since the receiving mail serve... et up for your mail server (contact your Internet connection provider to configure this) * A business class Internet connection (home Internet connections are more often blocked
- Mail Sender Advanced Settings
- om**. ====Only send messages waiting at start of connection==== If this box is checked, then VPOP3 will get a... e [[outgoing message queue]] at the time when the connection starts, and VPOP3 will only send those messages during this connection. After sending (or attempting to send) those mess
- Mail Connectors -> Mail Senders
- r). If you have a dial-up, ADSL, cable, satellite connection, then you should almost certainly use this option... is coming directly from a dial-up/ADSL/cable/etc connection, because a large majority of that type of mail is... er. This usually applies if you have a 'high-end' connection to the Internet, such as a leased line, or a serv
- Mail Connectors -> Connector Schedule
- oes not affect [[incoming SMTP]] over a permanent connection, or [[LAN Forwarding]]. The connection schedule also tells VPOP3 when to check for updates to the [[Spamfilt... rus]] components. We recommend you always have a connection scheduled defined. {{ :reference:schedule.png?no... send/collect mail will be if you manually start a connection. (Note that pausing the scheduling does not stop
- Lua SMTP Relay Control
- iables and a read-only variable * MaxMessagesPerConnection - The maximum number of messages to send in this connection * MaxRecipientsPerConnection - The maximum number of recipients to specify in this connection * MaxRecipientsPerMessage - The maximum number
- POP3 Server -> General Tab
- password. VPOP3 will either require an encrypted connection (see above), or a password encryption method such
- Connections
- ======Connections====== In VPOP3 a **Connection** tells VPOP3 how to 'connect' to the Internet. VPOP3 suppor... tions or Dial-Up connections (using a modem) A **Connection** is linked to one **[[mail senders|Mail Sender]]... ** and zero or more **[[Mail Collectors]]**. A **Connection** is 'fired' by either a [[Schedule]] or manually... ings. So, when a Schedule tells VPOP3 to start a Connection, VPOP3 will start sending through the associated
- Mail Collectors
- ule|Connector Schedule]]** determines when each **Connection** is run. =====Mail Collector General Tab===== E... oming SMTP mail. If you have a permanent Internet connection with MX records pointing at the VPOP3 server, the
- POP3 Mail Collection
- he server doesn't support TLS encryption then the connection will fail * TLS If Available - use encryption... 3 will download the message at the next scheduled connection as long as the message was not first seen over 14... ages immediately after download - however, if the connection is dropped before VPOP3 can successfully log off ... this list you can tell VPOP3 to re-download or delete some messages, or during its normal download connection.
- SMTP Service - Filtering
- P service. The option **Local SMTP Rules on each connection** is usually turned off. If this is turned on, th