Fulltext results:
- SMTP Relay Service FAQ
- uk|sales@pscs.co.uk]] or 01484 855801. =====What size subscriptions are available?===== The standard si... to 1 person, that counts as 1 message, and 100kB size. If you send the same message to 15 people, that counts as 15 messages and 1500kB size. This is because, in most cases, the SMTP relay s... it once. According to many sources, the average size of an Internet email message is around 50-80kB. A
- Can I add two licences together?
- it is more cost effective to upgrade the licence size rather than to add licences. For instance, if yo
- Can I change the VPOP3 licence owner name?
- hange if you upgrade to a later version or larger size of VPOP3 or there is a £10 administration fee if
- GDPR for hosted VPOP3 service
- ut it other than a 'spam score'. The quantity and size of messages are also tracked to handle quota rest
- GDPR for other hosting services (eg web hosting)
- nfidentiality. For instance, we look at the total size of your website or database to handle quota restr
- What is PostgreSQL?
- r Express was ruled out because it has a database size limit of 4GB. Given that we were planning on usin