Fulltext results:
- Misc -> Advanced Tab
- inistrator==== Because the VPOP3 'mailer daemon' (see above) will send users emails, it's not unknown f... e ID) of the messages it has downloaded. If VPOP3 sees a UID which it has not seen before, then that message will be downloaded, and if it sees a UID which it has seen before, the message will
- Spamfilter Quarantine Viewer
- Quarantine Viewer The Quarantine Viewer lets you see messages which have been quarantined by the VPOP3 Spam Filter. As an administrator you can see quarantined messages for any user, and release th... leases are not possible here. ====Hiding/Marking Seen messages==== VPOP3 will remove messages from the... dden messages are included). * Mark messages as Seen - if you mark messages as seen, then they will b
- POP3 Mail Collection
- ages downloaded **during this session** and if it sees messages with the same sender, recipient, subjec... d connection as long as the message was not first seen over 14 days ago ==(2) Leave Messages On Server... s message '1', deletes it, then logs on again and sees message '1' again, it may think that the ISP fai... rds properly, and it should be reported to them. (See section 7 [UIDL] of [[http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc
- SMTP Server -> IDS/IPS
- format - %I = the SMTP client's IP address (as seen by VPOP3) - %e = the [[IDS event number]] - ... or Period** time, then the IPS log total value is seeded with the **Client Error Re-Block value**. This... ith bad details. The Block List can be viewed to see which IP addresses are already in the block list,... addresses. The Never Block List can be viewed to see which IP addresses are already in the list and wh
- ListServer Settings
- or unsubscribe from mailing lists they are on, or see a list of public mailing lists etc. To do this, ... e <listserver name>@<your domain> with a message (see below) [[Listserver Commands|See here for commands]] that users can send to the ListServer. ====Gene... be an administrator, so that their replies can be seen by a real person rather than rejected as unintel
- Mappings
- ame> . For an explanation of the <domains> value, see the //Domains to use// section of this article. ... ill match <name> @ any of the applicable domains (see above) - **<name>@<domain>** - this will match ... by the ISP, to the relevant mailbox elsewhere). See [[how_to:How to tell VPOP3 some users in the loca
- POP3 Server -> General Tab
- - VPOP3 requires SSL encryption [[faq:encryption|See here]] for the different types of encryption. ==... POP3 will either require an encrypted connection (see above), or a password encryption method such as A... this service. For more details, [[http://blog.pscs.co.uk/bandwidth-control-in-vpop3-v6/|see our blog]].
- Autoresponder Commands
- nder should only work during the specified dates. See below for more details The <Valid:> command supp... om format specified (eg [b]{Date:d MMM yy}[/b]) - see below for options * {Time} - this includes the ... custom format specified (eg [b]{Time:H:mm}[/b]) - see below for options * {Originator} - this include
- Mail tab
- nage your sent and received messages. As you can see from the screenshot, the page is divided into thr... ircle that is filled blue for unread messages and see-through for read messages - Click on the circ... ar that is filled yellow for flagged messages and see-through for unflagged messages - Click on the
- Spam Filter Rules: IfMatch
- 'pop3') |2.1.7 | ^whitelist |This allows you to see if the search text is in the spam whitelist |2.1.7 | ^blacklist |This allows you to see if the search text is in the spam blacklist |2.1.... arch of the Subject line of the message header to see if it contains the text **hello** anywhere. <code
- LAN Forwarding Scripting
- s an intermediate state when VPOP3 is checking to see if a message should be LAN forwarded or not * Me... ====PreprocessRules==== This allows the script to see and potentially modify LAN Forwarding Rules Pr... P) * target server = the target server details (see below) * rule id = the numeric LAN Forwarding R
- SMTP Server Lua Scripting
- nction should return the new capabilities string (see the relevant RFCs for the syntax) =====DoHELO()==... return the new help text to return to the client (see the RFCs for the syntax) =====DoQUIT()===== ''DoQ... - should the message be deleted after retrieving (see below) * Ignore boolean - should the message
- SMTP Reputation Stats
- t used in by the spam filter as we are waiting to see if we get enough data to be able to track sender ... ation usefully. ====Technical==== If you want to see what data is being sent to us, the 'smtpstats.rep
- Message Monitoring
- **Permissions** tab of their settings, so you can see, at a glance, whose messages will be monitored if... '{Mon-' is prepended to it, to make it easier to see that the message is a monitor copy of a message,
- Quarantine tab
- n quarantined by VPOP3's spam filter. As you can see from the screenshot, unlike many of the other web... Msgs** -> hides the selected messages * **Mark Seen** -> marks a message to indicate whether you hav