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- Restricting the number of recipients sent to
- ======Restricting the number of recipients sent to====== Some ISPs set restrictions on the number of recipients that you are allowed to send in a c... tain time period, eg 50 messages per hour, or the number of recipients that you are allowed to send per me... message/connection===== If your ISP restricts the number of recipients per message or connection, go to th
- How to Restore a backup of VPOP3
- this, run **pgsql\bin\dropdb -U postgres -p <port number> vpop3**. When it prompts for the password enter ... L master password - default **pgsqlpass**. (<port number> is usually 5433) - Run **pgsql\bin\pg_restore -U postgres -p <port number> -v -C -d postgres DBBACK-<number>.DMP** where <number> is the latest number of the database backup made
- Restricting the number of messages sent
- ======Restricting the number of messages sent====== Some ISPs set restrictions on the number of messages that you are allowed to send in a cer... tain time period, eg 50 messages per hour, or the number of messages that you are allowed to send per conn... ges per connection===== If your ISP restricts the number of messages sent per connection, go to the **VPOP
- How to Backup VPOP3
- ure you backup the **[[reference:database|DBBack-<number>.DMP]]** files, these contain the mailbox contents and other settings/data. The DBBack-<number>.DMP files contain all the settings/data, so you ... directory. - Run ''pgsql\bin\pg_dump -p <port number> -F c -U vpop3 -f database.dmp vpop3'' ('<port number>' is usually 5433)\\ e.g. //pgsql\bin\pg_dump -p 54
- Out of Disk Space When Sending Mail
- ecret * The SMTPDiskSpaceSpare setting is the number of MB (megabytes) which must be available on the ... ages * The SMTPDiskSpaceSpare2 setting is the number of MB (megabytes) which must be available on the ... ssage * The POP3DiskSpaceSpare setting is the number of MB (megabytes) which must be available on the ... sion * The POP3DiskSpaceSpare2 setting is the number of MB (megabytes) over the size of a particular m
- Error Message Handling
- oring. However, if you really want to reduce the number of error messages you receive without fixing the ... success, it'll never report an error The second number is the time between the first and second reporting of the error. The third number is the subsequent reports So, 0~600~3600~8640... will recreate it. Because of the almost infinite number of possible errors that VPOP3 can get, it builds
- How to use the VPOP3 Status Monitor
- d error message(s) with more information. - The number of messages waiting to be sent out. If there is a number in parentheses - eg ''21 (2)'' then it means that... l not be sent out until they are un-held. - The number of messages waiting in the relevant 'Inbox' folde... rrently in the Inbox folder. Again, if there is a number in parentheses, this shows how many messages are
- "Too many logins" error message
- == VPOP3 version 4 and later have a limit on the number of concurrent logins which can be received for a ... ver** * The **UserLoginLimit** is the maximum number of logins for a user * The **IPAddressLimit** is the maximum number of logins from a single IP address - After modi
- Database Maintenance
- eSQL will be on port 5433 (but it may be a higher number, if other software is using port 5433). You can... something like '-p 5433' which tells you the port number. You need to specify the port number in all PostgreSQL commands, as '-p <portnumber>', eg ''-p 5433'' =
- How to send a fax by email using the VPOP3 FaxServer
- n lines of their own. Use: * **~<recipient fax number>~<recipient real name>~<recipient company>** to s... me~<real name of sender>** * **~~FaxNumber~<fax number of sender>** * **~~PhoneNumber~<phone number of sender>** * **~~Company~<company of sender>** In VPO
- How to install PostgreSQL to use another port
- or later for VPOP3 to use a different TCP/IP port number. The VPOP3 installer can't do this for you, so y... it the PostGreSQLPort DWORD value to the new port number =====Create the VPOP3 user/database manually====... r wherever) Type: **psql -U postgres -p <new port number>** For the password use 'pgsqlpass' (or use a dif
- Router Problem error messages
- Database Error "ERROR: could not open file "base/<number>/<number>": Permission denied" this error usually means that something is blocking access to that file
- How to configure Mozilla Thunderbird
- s of the VPOP3 computer. In **Port** put the port number for the VPOP3 SMTP service (usually 25). - Norm... |IP address of the VPOP3 computer]] - In **Port number** put the port where the VPOP3 service is running
- Repairing corrupted database
- is an appropriate action. =====unexpected chunk number===== If you get an 'unexpected chunk number error for toast value..' in the messages.msgdata table then
- 550 5.7.1 Recipient Prohibited (x)
- .1 Recipient Prohibited (x)====== (where 'x' is a number) This means that you have an SMTP rule which is ... g this recipient. The (x) indicates the SMTP rule number which is causing the rejection. View & edit your