Fulltext results:
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- f line. This is some text with some linebreaks\\ Note that the two backslashes are only recognized at ... t it. This is some text with some linebreaks\\ Note that the two backslashes are only recognized a... o lowercase automatically, special characters are not allowed. You can use [[some:namespaces]] by usin... This links to [[syntax#internal|this Section]]. Notes: * Links to [[syntax|existing pages]] are sh
- French Webmail Language File @how_to
- ou must specify your VPOP3 username here bookmarksnotsupported=I'm sorry, but your web browser does not support this function. You will have to add this pag... alidlogin=Invalid login details nocookies=Cookies not enabled! Please enable cookies in your web browse... ntsessionuser=Non-existant user in session ID usernotauth=User not authorised nonexistentcookieuser=Non
- GDPR for hosted VPOP3 service @faq
- ing services: - Data is held in the UK. Data is not transmitted outside of the EU except at your requ... lly be transmitted to the USA, otherwise it would not be able to reach the recipient. Similarly, if one... age data. All this data is provided by you, we do not add it ourselves except at your explicit request.... d server. So you have full control over it. It is not stored anywhere else, so, for instance, if you de
- Misc -> Advanced Tab @reference
- [[Misc Settings]] -> Advanced You will normally not need to change any settings on this page unless V... when a message is passed from one mail server to another. When a message is received, most mail serve... to you, you may wish to increase this number. Do not increase it too high, or you will unnecessarily w... s of slow modems, or if the ISP's POP3 server was not very fast, this option could be useful. ====Mail
- German Webmail Language Page @how_to
- müssen einen Benutzernamen angeben bookmarksnotsupported=I'm sorry, but your web browser does not support this function. You will have to add this pag... ssionuser=Unbekannter Benutzer in Sitzungs-ID usernotauth=Benutzer nicht erlaubt nonexistentcookieuser=... has been read v4gridhoverunread=This message has not been read v4msghdrsubject=Subject v4msghdrfrom=F
- How To Setup VPOP3 Service Security @how_to
- (specified in [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIDR_notation|CIDR format]], as <network address>/<mask>, ... t specify any users, then all users are allowed). Note that with SMTP, if the service is configured never to require authentication, then you cannot restrict by username, as VPOP3 can not know a username, unless authentication is used. If the service
- Move VPOP3 Version 3 or 4 to a new PC @how_to
- new PC - Install VPOP3 on the new PC, **but do not start VPOP3 yet** - Restore the database backup... the Internet to our office and then back again is not feasible given the large amounts of data that can... m the latest daily backup]] you made. If you were not previously backing up VPOP3, this may be a [[http... from the **new PC** after the copy has finished Note that if you are moving to Windows Vista/2008/7 o
- Move VPOP3 Version 5 (or later) to a new PC @how_to
- 11upg') - Install VPOP3 on the new PC, **but do not start VPOP3 yet** - Restore the database backup... the Internet to our office and then back again is not feasible given the large amounts of data that can... m the latest daily backup]] you made. If you were not previously backing up VPOP3, this may be a [[http... -F c -p 5433 -v -U vpop3 -f database.dmp vpop3 //Note: the above line (and all subsequent database com
- VPOP3 Not Starting Properly @how_to
- ======VPOP3 Not Starting Properly====== If VPOP3 is not starting properly, then the first thing to check is whether t... er for data storage, so if the database server is not running, VPOP3 will not be able to start properly. In this case, the VPOP3.EXE process may appear in T
- SMTP Service -> Advanced Tab @reference
- com' ====Disable DSN Support==== Delivery Status Notifications are an SMTP extension ([[http://tools.i... FC 3461]]) which allow customised delivery status notifications in a more controlled/managed way that '... legitimately for reaching mail servers which may not have very good Internet connectivity, as you could specify a route. Note that VPOP3 will not interpret the % symbol this
- GDPR for other hosting services (eg web hosting) @faq
- ing services: - Data is held in the UK. Data is not transmitted outside of the EU except at your expl... lly be transmitted to the USA, otherwise it would not be able to reach the recipient. Similarly, if one... system). All this data is provided by you, we do not add it ourselves except at your explicit request. - We do not analyse the data we hold in any identifiable way
- Training the VPOP3 Spam Filter @how_to
- sed to 'train' it to distinguish between spam and not-spam. =====Bayesian Filter===== The Bayesian fil... heir probabilities of being contained in spam and not-spam, and works out an overall probability of the message being spam or not-spam based on the combination of those probabilit... n that message are learnt as being words found in not-spam. * Every time you receive a message which
- Not Working As Expected @how_to
- ======Not Working As Expected====== This is the page to come to if you think you've set something up c... . =====Sending Mail===== * [[Outbound messages not appearing in monitor|Outbound Messages are not appearing]] in the monitor target's mailbox. * [[VPOP... of unrecognised mails]] * [[Daily summary does not show all sent messages]] * [[Forwarded emails n
- SMTP -> General tab @reference
- * TLS - VPOP3 requires TLS encryption, and will not allow unencrypted sessions * SSL - VPOP3 requir... ication methods. So that incoming SMTP mail does not require authentication, the **Do not require SMTP authentication for internal/incoming mail** option b... uthentication]]. 'Proper' SMTP authentication was not standardised until 1999, so prior to that, authen
- Spamfilter Whitelist & Blacklist @how_to
- m a legitimate user. Because of this it is often not worthwhile putting addresses onto the Blacklist m... * and **From** header fields. The Blacklist will not be checked if the header contains three or more '... headers (this is an invalid message, and matches another spamfilter rule) =====Whitelist===== ====Local... es, mail from local domains will be sent locally, not incoming, so, usually, this is a sensible rule to
- VPOP3 Webmail/admin service and/or Status service is not listening on correct IP addresses or ports @how_to
- Database query to make LAN Forwarding immediately attempt to dequeue all pending messages @reference
- Error message after sending RCPTTO: - error 0 - text 550 5.7.1 Relaying not allowed! Bad sender IP address @how_to
- Database query to list messages in the LAN forwarding queue waiting to go to a specific server @reference
- Error message: VPOP3 does not have write access to the registry - please check and restart VPOP3 @how_to