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- Mail Connectors -> Connector Schedule
- [Antivirus]] components. We recommend you always have a connection scheduled defined. {{ :reference:sc... n with multiple connections===== Note that if you have multiple connections configured, then each time t... which marked to connect. This means that if you have the schedule connecting every 1 minute, and you have it set to use 10 connections, it is entirely possi
- What's new in version 5 webmail?
- just click the **Enhanced** link at any time. We have done our best to automatically detect whether a d... to the number of available devices, this may not have happened. If you think you are automatically sent... endars** =====Autoresponders===== Autoresponders have been redesigned in version 5; and to complement t... -> Message rules** =====Address Books===== There have been several changes to the Address Books interfa
- Misc -> Advanced Tab
- tings on this page unless VPOP3 technical support have suggested it. If you do make changes, and want t... ====Don't multi-thread VPOP3 plugins==== If you have any VPOP3 plugins installed, then VPOP3 will usua... This is because it suggests that the message may have got stuck in a loop somewhere - eg if a mail serv... rom **mailer_daemon**@<your domain>. Some people have wanted to change this name for various reasons, s
- Autoresponder
- one for weekends, and one for your holidays, and have different text (and other actions) with each of t... specified, if any). If it is not checked, and you have specified one or more addresses in the 'Send resp... g **<HTML>** tag and handles it as HTML Once you have defined the autoresponder, you can create the 'ru... ===Autoresponder Rules==== Each autoresponder you have defined can have zero or more rules Each autores
- Route incoming POP3 mail by parsing message headers
- === This routing method is generally used if you have a catch-all or 'multi-catch' mailbox with your In... l email addresses in the header, as a message may have been sent to you, and CCd to someone at a differe... .com;domain2.com;domain3.com </code> If you only have a few email addresses in the domain, then you can specify those explicitly. (If you have most addresses in the domain, but a few are elsew
- Mappings
- ===== In VPOP3, by default, a user (or list) will have implied Mappings of <username>@<domains> -> <user... s only apply if there are no other Mappings which have matched the address previously. You can turn off... match the exact <name>@<domain> email address you have specified - **~@<domain>** - this will match an... is should be used with care. For instance, if you have a mapping of ''bill@* -> bill'', then if a messag
- Prune Rules
- bal Prune Rules section at the bottom - the rules have the same configuration as the user prune rules. =... e useful if you only want to delete messages that have been marked as read. ====Flagged==== The flagge... VPOP3 will only apply this rule to messages which have the IMAP4 'Deleted' flag set. If this column is n... y other flags on the message were set. So, if you have the rule set to delete read messages over 365 day
- IMAP4 -> Advanced tab
- ssible mailboxes==== In the IMAP4 service you may have folders which do not exist. For instance, if you ... hould always be checked, but in some cases people have preferred for it not to be checked. ====Support ... cessing new logins for a single user. Most well-behaved clients will limit themselves to 3-5 connections... at once. If you know that your clients are well-behaved you can increase this as necessary. ====Concurr
- Mail Connectors -> Mail Senders
- l server (eg your ISP's SMTP mail server). If you have a dial-up, ADSL, cable, satellite connection, the... t===== This option should be used when you do not have access to a mail relay server. This usually applies if you have a 'high-end' connection to the Internet, such as ... , so it does not need an intermediate server. To have any chance of this working you will almost certai
- Connections
- In most cases nowadays, a VPOP3 installation will have a single **Connection** which is set to **Use net... ent external relay servers]] * When you want to have a complex schedule where different Mail Collector... used at different frequencies * If you want to have a fallback method - eg connect through a router n... use something such as ISP name, especially if you have multiple Connections defined ====Connection Meth
- Running database updates within a transaction
- a trick which database experts use, because they have learned (often the hard way) that a simple mistyp... o if the response says ''DELETE 1'', you know you have just deleted one row, so you can type ''COMMIT;''... ou can simply type ''ROLLBACK;'' to undo what you have just done. After doing the update query, you can... e data or perform more updates. (Note that if you have an error, you will have to ROLLBACK and start aga
- SMTP Server -> IDS/IPS
- . If you turn on IDS logging in VPOP3, you should have some system in place for rotating/truncating the ... r event), so it will grow indefinitely unless you have another process in place. The **IDS Log Filename... Error Re-Block value**. This means that a badly behaved client is more likely to be blocked again if it continues to misbehave * VPOP3 checks the previous entries in the IPS
- Spamfilter Quarantine Viewer
- The Quarantine Viewer lets you see messages which have been quarantined by the VPOP3 Spam Filter. As an ... t use wildcards or regular expressions. Once you have selected the search criteria, press the **Go** bu... . If you wish, you can **Release** the message to have VPOP3 send the message to the original recipient.... to PSCS** - this option is only available if you have an active [[http://www.pscs.co.uk/products/vpop3/
- Import Users From File
- ich allows you to select the CSV file.\\ Once you have selected the CSV file, click **Preview Import**, ... with options for finalising the import.\\ If you have included a header line in the CSV file, the colum... first task is to ensure that all desired columns have been assigned to the correct attribute, and then ... ously been exported from VPOP3, and the passwords have not been changed, tick this option// * **Random
- Message Archive
- that is not its prime purpose, so it is better to have a proper [[how_to:backup_vpop3|backup]] facility ... ore** folder (which may be VPOP3\_archive, or may have been changed) and renamed to **A<something>.DAT**... art indexing them. This may take some time if you have lots of messages. Assuming you are using a recent... hange the first two commands as appropriate (make sure you have a backup first) {{tag>archive backup}}