Fulltext results:
- How to move messages between users
- s** list, then select the messages, choose the target user, and press the **Move** or **Copy** button ... the 'Inbox' folder, but only move them to the target user's Inbox. In earlier versions of VPOP3 you ca... ernative is to [[IMAP folder sharing|share the target user's folders]] with the source user, and then d... CT * FROM users.users;** - find the source and target users and note their **usernumber** values (they
- German Webmail Language Page
- choosefolder=Verzeichnis wählen... selecttargetfolder=You must select the target folder. confirmdeletemsg=Are you sure you wish to permanently delete ... y Messages v4movewindow=Move Messages v4dragmessagetext=Message v4dragmessagestext=Messages v4dragfoldertext=Folder v4dragfolderstext=Folders v4targetfolder=Target Folder v4targetuser=Target User v4co
- French Webmail Language File
- =Msg(s) in choosefolder=Choose folder... selecttargetfolder=You must select the target folder. confirmdeletemsg=Are you sure you wish to permanently delete ... y Messages v4movewindow=Move Messages v4dragmessagetext=Message v4dragmessagestext=Messages v4dragfoldertext=Folder v4dragfolderstext=Folders v4targetfolder=Target Folder v4targetuser=Target User v4co
- Spanish Webmail Language File
- s) en choosefolder=Seleccione carpeta... selecttargetfolder=Ud. debe seleccionar la carpeta destino. co... sajes v4movewindow=Movar los mensajes v4dragmessagetext=Mensaje v4dragmessagestext=Mensajes v4dragfoldertext=Carpeta v4dragfolderstext=Carpetas v4targetfolder=Carpeta de Destino v4targetuser=Usuario de Destino v4copytofolder=Copiar a Carpeta v4copytouser=
- Error Message Handling
- ean only REPORT an error 10060 if it consistently gets errors for 10 minutes. If it tries to connect every minute and gets 5 failures and then one success, it'll never rep... r of errors, then every day afterwards (unless it gets a successful connection, in which case it will s... infinite number of possible errors that VPOP3 can get, it builds the file on the fly from the errors it
- Configuring iCal on Mac OSX to connect to VPOP3's CalDAV service
- option simply comes up with errors that you can't get past. Unfortunately, although Apple often do a g...** Press **Create**. You will probably get some errors, possibly about being unable to verif... st in case. Press the **Create** button. You may get another warning about **Server with Secure Commun... e in VPOP3, if you have VPOP3 Enterprise). If you get taken back to the **Account Settings** page, pres
- Repairing corrupted database
- memory modules on the database server. If you do get an unrecoverable error, the best solution is to [... ction. =====unexpected chunk number===== If you get an 'unexpected chunk number error for toast value... ther functions if it helps (and you know SQL) ===Getting message summary info=== Once you find the pro... lem message, if you type: SELECT subject, messagetime, fromaddr, tolist FROM messages.msgdata WHERE
- How to automatically forward spam to the PSCS spamtrap
- aught by our spam traps, however sometimes people get lots of spam which gets through the filter because their particular type of spam does not currently get sent to our spam traps. If you want to help you
- How to create an SSL Certificate
- ertificate===== You can self-sign certificates or get them from a Certificate Authority. We can obtain... s they aren't necessary. Please note that if you get a certificate from another source there is a limi... ires an intermediate certificate you will have to get that certificate's details from them, we cannot s
- Not Working As Expected
- oing what you think it should be doing. If you're getting an error message or some other concrete indic... nd Messages are not appearing]] in the monitor target's mailbox. * [[VPOP3 sending high volumes of un... or|When trying to log into the VPOP3 settings you get an error "You are trying to perform an VPOP3 admi
- How to tell VPOP3 that some users in the local domain are not to be handled by VPOP3
- but you may also have another user **sarah** who gets her mail directly from a separate POP3 account o... h@domain.com**, then the VPOP3 administrator will get an error message about an incoming message for **... n.com** since that address is not recognised. To get around this problem, VPOP3 has the concept of Rem
- How to send a fax by email using the VPOP3 FaxServer
- e VPOP3 FaxServer====== VPOP3 2.1.0 and later together with the VPOP3 FaxServer software allows you t... attachments. The plain text content of the email gets put into the 'comments' section of the cover pag... special sequences in the text of the email (these get stripped out before the fax is sent). These speci
- How to make VPOP3 re-download POP3 messages from the ISP
- message(s) you want to re-download and check the 'Get' box for them. (Or check the 'Get' box in the table header to get all the messages). If you have VPOP3 version 4 or earlier, you do thi
- RBL Checking not working in VPOP3 Enterprise
- y the RBL feature may not work. * if you don't get your mail via incoming SMTP, then RBL can't work * if you get your incoming mail feed via a third party, eg you... filtering company, then RBL can't work * if you get your incoming mail feed via a proxy server, eg a
- VPOP3 Server Access Not Allowed
- ====VPOP3 Server Access Not Allowed====== If you get an error like: <code>-ERR VPOP3 Server access not... be if you have several local networks connected together. =====VPOP3 1.5 and earlier===== In VPOP3 1.5