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- Move VPOP3 Version 3 or 4 to a new PC
- e a backup of the database on the original PC - Copy the VPOP3 directory tree from the original PC to ... w PC **except for the VPOP3\pgsql directory** - Copy the VPOP3 registry branch to the new PC - Insta... t us to do this, make sure that it is possible to copy files between the PCs on your network (or have co... n use the latest one of those files instead) =====Copy the VPOP3 directory tree===== How you do this dep
- Move VPOP3 Version 5 (or later) to a new PC
- e a backup of the database on the original PC - Copy the VPOP3 directory tree from the original PC to ... t us to do this, make sure that it is possible to copy files between the PCs on your network (or have co... n use the latest one of those files instead) =====Copy the VPOP3 directory tree===== How you do this depends on your network setup. The easiest way to copy it all except for the VPOP3\pgsql directory is of
- German Webmail Language Page
- ======German Webmail Language Page====== Copy/paste the text below to a file 'german.lng' in the VPOP3 ... word v4moderatewindow=Moderate Lists v4copywindow=Copy Messages v4movewindow=Move Messages v4dragmessag... et Folder v4targetuser=Target User v4copytofolder=Copy To Folder v4copytouser=Copy To User v4movetofolder=Move To Folder v4movetouser=Move To User v4temppass
- French Webmail Language File
- ======French Webmail Language File====== Copy/paste the text below to a file 'french.lng' or 'francais.l... word v4moderatewindow=Moderate Lists v4copywindow=Copy Messages v4movewindow=Move Messages v4dragmessag... et Folder v4targetuser=Target User v4copytofolder=Copy To Folder v4copytouser=Copy To User v4movetofolder=Move To Folder v4movetouser=Move To User v4temppass
- How To Move VPOP3 Version 2 to a New PC
- C you should go through the following steps: - Copy the VPOP3 files - Copy the VPOP3 directory and subdirectories from the old PC to the new PC. (If yo... g to Windows Vista/2008/7/2012/8 or later, do NOT copy the files to a 'Program Files' folder on the new ... folders, which is not compatible with VPOP3) - Copy the VPOP3 registry branch - On the original V
- PostgreSQL server won't start due to damaged log files
- make sure you remember what it is! - Type <code>copy data_old\postgresql.conf data</code><code>copy data_old\vpop3db.conf data</code><code>copy data_old\vpop3dbuser.conf data</code> to copy the database server configuration to the new location. Yo
- PostgreSQL Replication
- _standby archive_mode = on archive_command = 'copy %p \\\\\\pgsql\\db_replication\\%f' ... 3 -x -h -U postgres This will make a copy of the database folder on the slave PC. This does a full copy of the database folder, so includes all the setti... \vpop3\\stopreplication.txt' restore_command = 'copy \\\\\\pgsql\\db_replication\\%f %p'
- How to Obtain Message Headers
- Firefox or Opera, you will be able to select and copy the text of this box. If you use Internet Explorer, you can select the box and press CTRL+C to copy its entire contents. Or; * When viewing an open... ll lines in the panel. You should then be able to copy the text. ====Version 4==== When viewing a mess... Firefox or Opera, you will be able to select and copy the text of this box. If you use Internet Explore
- Copy Outgoing mail
- ======Copy Outgoing mail====== Sometimes people need to copy outgoing mail for various reasons. There are several... hich can be searched by an administrator and view/copy the messages from the archive * Shared IMAP4 fo... ent(s), size, and headers (eg subject) and send a copy of the message to a specific email address * [[
- Repairing corrupted database
- 3DB (or PostgreSQL-VPOP3) service - take a full copy of the VPOP3\pgsql\data folder - restart the VP... he default password is 'vpop3pass' Then type (or copy/paste) select n.nspname AS schema, c.relname A... 'pgsqlpass' ====Finding the problem message==== Copy/paste the following into the psql prompt: <code>
- Internationalisation
- RINGS.TXT file in the VPOP3 directory, so you can copy that file to another computer to copy the translations to the new PC. =====Languages===== Here are som... to make them publicly available. Other users can copy/paste the text to a suitable <language>.LNG file
- How to install the VPOP3 Status Monitor on other PCs
- l the Status Monitor in two different ways: =====Copy the program and Create Shortcut===== You can simply copy the **VPOP3STATUS.EXE** file from the VPOP3 direc
- How to Forward Messages to an External Address
- the 'Assistant' box (if you want to keep a local copy of the message) or the 'Forward To' box (if you don't want to keep a local copy) - Use this method if it is for a person who wi
- Signing outgoing mail with DKIM
- me> - for instance **s1._domainkey.example.com**. Copy the public key from the key generator, and paste ... erver. Now you need to sort out the private key. Copy the private key (including the BEGIN/END lines) a
- How to Restore a backup of VPOP3
- as well! In the **VPOP3\pgsql\data** folder: - copy the ''postgresql.conf'' file to ''postgresql.conf... esql.conf' file to 'postgresql.conf.restore'' - copy the ''postgresql.conf.normal'' file back to ''pos