Fulltext results:
- Move VPOP3 Version 3 or 4 to a new PC
- e a backup of the database on the original PC - Copy the VPOP3 directory tree from the original PC to ... w PC **except for the VPOP3\pgsql directory** - Copy the VPOP3 registry branch to the new PC - Insta... t us to do this, make sure that it is possible to copy files between the PCs on your network (or have copied all the necessary files beforehand). Copying the files over the Internet to our office and
- French Webmail Language File
- ======French Webmail Language File====== Copy/paste the text below to a file 'french.lng' or 'francais.l... window=Password v4moderatewindow=Moderate Lists v4copywindow=Copy Messages v4movewindow=Move Messages v4dragmessagetext=Message v4dragmessagestext=Messages v... etfolder=Target Folder v4targetuser=Target User v4copytofolder=Copy To Folder v4copytouser=Copy To User
- German Webmail Language Page
- ======German Webmail Language Page====== Copy/paste the text below to a file 'german.lng' in the VPOP3 ... window=Password v4moderatewindow=Moderate Lists v4copywindow=Copy Messages v4movewindow=Move Messages v4dragmessagetext=Message v4dragmessagestext=Messages v... etfolder=Target Folder v4targetuser=Target User v4copytofolder=Copy To Folder v4copytouser=Copy To User
- Move VPOP3 Version 5 (or later) to a new PC
- e a backup of the database on the original PC - Copy the VPOP3 directory tree from the original PC to ... t us to do this, make sure that it is possible to copy files between the PCs on your network (or have copied all the necessary files beforehand). Copying the files over the Internet to our office and ... n use the latest one of those files instead) =====Copy the VPOP3 directory tree===== How you do this dep
- How To Move VPOP3 Version 2 to a New PC
- C you should go through the following steps: - Copy the VPOP3 files - Copy the VPOP3 directory and subdirectories from the old PC to the new PC. (If yo... g to Windows Vista/2008/7/2012/8 or later, do NOT copy the files to a 'Program Files' folder on the new ... folders, which is not compatible with VPOP3) - Copy the VPOP3 registry branch - On the original V
- PostgreSQL Replication
- _standby archive_mode = on archive_command = 'copy %p \\\\\\pgsql\\db_replication\\%f' ... ppear in the share directory as the master starts copying its transaction log files there * Make sure... 3 -x -h -U postgres This will make a copy of the database folder on the slave PC. This does a full copy of the database folder, so includes all the setti
- How to Obtain Message Headers
- Firefox or Opera, you will be able to select and copy the text of this box. If you use Internet Explorer, you can select the box and press CTRL+C to copy its entire contents. Or; * When viewing an open... ll lines in the panel. You should then be able to copy the text. ====Version 4==== When viewing a mess... Firefox or Opera, you will be able to select and copy the text of this box. If you use Internet Explore
- Copy Outgoing mail
- ======Copy Outgoing mail====== Sometimes people need to copy outgoing mail for various reasons. There are several... hich can be searched by an administrator and view/copy the messages from the archive * Shared IMAP4 fo... ent(s), size, and headers (eg subject) and send a copy of the message to a specific email address * [[
- PostgreSQL server won't start due to damaged log files
- make sure you remember what it is! - Type <code>copy data_old\postgresql.conf data</code><code>copy data_old\vpop3db.conf data</code><code>copy data_old\vpop3dbuser.conf data</code> to copy the database server configuration to the new location. Yo
- Spanish Webmail Language File
- ======Spanish Webmail Language File====== Copy/paste the text below to a file 'spanish.lng' or 'espanol.... ow=Password v4moderatewindow=Administrar listas v4copywindow=Copiar los Mensajes v4movewindow=Movar los ... peta de Destino v4targetuser=Usuario de Destino v4copytofolder=Copiar a Carpeta v4copytouser=Copiar a Usuario v4movetofolder=Movar a Carpeta v4movetouser=Mova
- Internationalisation
- interface. You can create a new language file by copying the ENGLISH.LNG to another file, eg FRANCAIS.L... RINGS.TXT file in the VPOP3 directory, so you can copy that file to another computer to copy the translations to the new PC. =====Languages===== Here are som... to make them publicly available. Other users can copy/paste the text to a suitable <language>.LNG file
- Repairing corrupted database
- 3DB (or PostgreSQL-VPOP3) service - take a full copy of the VPOP3\pgsql\data folder - restart the VP... he default password is 'vpop3pass' Then type (or copy/paste) select n.nspname AS schema, c.relname A... 'pgsqlpass' ====Finding the problem message==== Copy/paste the following into the psql prompt: <code>
- Signing outgoing mail with DKIM
- me> - for instance **s1._domainkey.example.com**. Copy the public key from the key generator, and paste ... erver. Now you need to sort out the private key. Copy the private key (including the BEGIN/END lines) a
- Autoresponders / Out of Office
- to keep the messages, and set an **Assistant** to copy the message to **User2** (do //not// check the **... ges after responding to them - create a **Download Rule** to copy all incoming messages to that user
- How to move messages between users
- oose the target user, and press the **Move** or **Copy** button In version 5 you can view messages from... cker since the email client just issues an IMAP4 'COPY' command to VPOP3, rather than having to download