Fulltext results:
- ping_test
- Pinging www.pscs.co.uk [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=561ms TTL=55 Reply from bytes=32 time=382ms TTL=55 Reply from bytes=32 time=327ms TTL=55 Reply from
- Error message: Your connection has been blocked temporarily - Try again later
- e===== You can set how the SMTP Service IPS works by going to ''Services -> SMTP -> IDS/IPS'' in the V... mponent===== You can access the settings for this by going to Settings -> Security Settings -> Intrusi... events contributed to an IP address being blocked by clicking on the ''View Event Log'' button ===The... add/remove addresses from the 'never block list' by clicking on the ''Manage Never Block List'' butto
- How to limit size of sent mail
- can be sent * Limit the size of mail accepted by the SMTP component of VPOP3 * Limit the size se... If you send attachments, they will typically grow by about 33% during sending, so a limit of 20MB will... ed because of that. =====Limit the size accepted by the SMTP component===== This option will limit all messages accepted by the SMTP component, regardless of who they are fr
- Spam Quarantine
- ======Spam Quarantine====== By default, when the VPOP3 spam filter detects a message as being spam, it... e. Users can release messages from the quarantine by going to their webmail page and selecting the mes... view & release messages in any user's quarantine by going to **Settings -> Spamfilter Settings -> Qua... Viewer**. You can search for quarantined messages by recipient, sender, subject, etc ====As a VPOP3 U
- Seeing where a message came from
- Received: from mail.example.com ([]) by lmail.pscs.co.uk ([] running VPOP3) ... co.uk>; Thu, 20 Oct 2011 09:36:35 +0100 Received: by example.com (Postfix) for support@pscs.co.uk; Thu... 0 Received: from [] ([]) by example.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 891688127.178... - Received: from [] ([]) by example.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 891688127.178
- Exchange 2007
- **None** or **Basic Authentication**, as required by your VPOP3 configuration, and enter the appropria... d unspecified addresses to //user1@mydomain.com// by using: * Address: ~@mydomain.com * Server: 19... registered domain, or the subdomain given to you by your ISP, and is the IP address of th... 3 Routing** option radio button is set to **Route by Parsing Message Headers**. ==If you have individ
- How to filter attachments
- using the [[spam filter|content/spam filter]], or by using an integrated [[virus scanner]]. {{how_to:... ptions can make it hard for legitimate senders to bypass your attachment filters. For instance, if you... ough they would usually be filtered, for instance by specifying a certain subject line. =====Filter A... d to **document.txt.ex_**, this can still be run, by saving to disk, and renaming, but it makes it muc
- Socket Error 10053 - An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
- ror 10053 - An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.====== Error 1... age we know about, but the descriptions are given by Windows, so they may vary depending on your versi... ndows: * An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine. * The TCP/IP Connection was aborted by Windows. This was possibly due to a data transmis
- Using VPOP3 Spam Filtering with LAN Forwarding
- ve any quarantining/redirection of spam performed by the onward SMTP mail server - Have VPOP3 redire... ted mappings. Users can access their quarantines by logging into the VPOP3 WebMail server (on ''http://server.ip.address:5108'' ) or by following the links in the quarantine daily repor... ve any quarantining/redirection of spam performed by the onward SMTP mail server===== To do this, just
- SMTP Rule Example - restrict who can send to a local email address
- ist, then second rule to block anyone not matched by the first rule. Create two SMTP rules as below: ... k messages to the list, if they were not accepted by the previous rule - so this will block messages to the list by the prohibited senders. If you want to add more ... ist, then second rule to allow anyone not matched by the first rule. Create two SMTP rules as below:
- Spamfilter Whitelist & Blacklist
- . You can view these lists in the VPOP3 settings by going to **Settings -> Spamfilter -> White/Black Lists** By default, whenever you send a message, the recipie... ist or blacklist, then the spam score is adjusted by 100 x (the relevant [[reference:spamfilter_rule_w... hitelist which is also in a 'local domain', then, by default VPOP3 will ignore that when checking //in
- VPOP3 re-downloading old messages from the ISP POP3 server
- k of which messages it has previously downloaded, by remembering their 'Unique IDs' (UIDs). This probl... rsions of VPOP3 you can tell if this has happened by looking at the 'Received' headers of the message.... d in the main database. =====SRVRUIDL.DAT in use by another program===== If the SRVRUIDL.DAT (or SRVUIDLx.DAT) file is in use by another program (eg a virus scanner or backup pro
- Setting up VPOP3 to work with Exchange 2003
- registered domain, or the subdomain given to you by your ISP, and is the IP address of th... d unspecified addresses to //user1@mydomain.com// by using: ~@mydomain.com ... registered domain, or the subdomain given to you by your ISP, and is the IP address of th... d unspecified addresses to //user1@mydomain.com// by using: * Address: ~@mydomain.com * Server: 19
- Out of Disk Space When Sending Mail
- ror, then check that the error is being generated by VPOP3, and not by your ISP. VPOP3 will report errors that have been generated by your ISP and it's easy to assume the VPOP3 machin... en the out of disk space error is being generated by your ISP and you will need to contact them. The e
- Incoming SMTP Feed
- y * Any restrictions, quotas, limits etc placed by your ISP are bypassed * VPOP3 can handle several incoming messages at once, unlike with POP3 collec... to you on port 25. A few ISPs will block port 25 by default, and require you to ask for it to be open... ing, as badly configured mail servers can be used by spammers. * You have to make sure that you don'