Fulltext results:
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- es. Simply have a look at the source of this page by pressing "Edit this page". If you want to try som... a paragraph, you can use two backslashes followed by a whitespace or the end of line. This is some te... nly recognized at the end of a line\\ or followed by\\ a whitespace \\this happens without it. This... y recognized at the end of a line\\ or followed by\\ a whitespace \\this happens without it. You sh
- SMTP Server Lua Scripting @reference
- called on different callbacks, and may be changed by the Lua script itself in order to change the VPOP... - called when an entire message has been received by VPOP3 * **StartMessage()** - (v5+) called at th... (v5+) called each time a message line is received by VPOP3 * **MessageLine()** - (v5+) called after processing each message line received by VPOP3 * **EndMessage()** - (v5+) called when th
- GDPR for hosted VPOP3 service @faq
- service terms. You can view the revision history by clicking on the 'clock' icon to the right. As a ... ts, email message data. All this data is provided by you, we do not add it ourselves except at your ex... ered. - Note that usernames & passwords are set by you, or at your explicit request. If we set passw... s, but they may be reset to less secure passwords by you or your users. In this case, there may be a d
- Autoresponder Commands @reference
- e commands put on a line of their own, surrounded by angle brackets (<>) and they alter the behaviour ... ommands in a Section, then only the commands used by the applied Sections will be used. * **<From: ... tomated response (usually it is a prefix followed by the original subject) * **<SubjectPrefix: **tex... le restrictions in one <Valid> command, separated by commas. * Date - the date can be specified as
- ping_test @how_to
- Pinging www.pscs.co.uk [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=561ms TTL=55 Reply from bytes=32 time=382ms TTL=55 Reply from bytes=32 time=327ms TTL=55 Reply from
- Settings -> Attachment Processing @reference
- ltering is applied when a new message is received by VPOP3. The **Attachment filenames to filter** box... ld enable a malicious file to accidentally be run by the recipient. The syntax for pattern matching i... only used to distract the recipient. For example, by naming a file //photo.jpg.exe//, the sender could... sion to make it unrunnable** - //This is achieved by replacing the final character of the filename ext
- SMTP Server -> IDS/IPS @reference
- erver. SMTP servers are regularly attacked, both by incoming mail attacks (spam/viruses etc) and relay attacks (by spammers and other malware distributors trying to... events to a specified log. This can then be read by a third party IPS system to feed updates to a fir... .snort.org/|Snort]]) The IDS logging is disabled by default, and VPOP3 does not use it itself. The IP
- Spamfilter White/Blacklists @reference
- the Whitelist will take precedence). Note that, by default, local email addresses on the whitelist will be ignored. This is by design, because it is a common spammer trick to p... * and ?) or you can use a PCRE regular expression by surrounding the text with / ... / characters (wit... to match or you can use a PCRE regular expression by surrounding the text with / ... / characters (wit
- Spam Filter Rules @reference
- n of the spam filtering script language supported by VPOP3. Note that as later versions of VPOP3 are r... he messages. The language is intended to be used by advanced users with some programming experience. ... for you, that is possible, but it is not covered by our standard support services. If you [[support@p... r's hard disk. This file can include other files by using the [[spamrules_statement_include|include]]
- Out of Disk Space When Sending Mail @how_to
- ror, then check that the error is being generated by VPOP3, and not by your ISP. VPOP3 will report errors that have been generated by your ISP and it's easy to assume the VPOP3 machin... en the out of disk space error is being generated by your ISP and you will need to contact them. The e
- SMTP Reputation Stats @reference
- tats====== (Added in v6.20) If you receive email by direct incoming SMTP (not via an ISP or filtering... y tracking far more information than we will be. By pooling the information that each copy of VPOP3 h... gh reputation data for this to make a difference. By pooling the data we hope to improve things. For ... which are sending to unknown email addresses etc. By pooling this information we should be able to det
- Address Book tab @reference
- ch** -> allows you to filter the list of contacts by entering part of their name or email address ===V... ch** -> allows you to filter the list of contacts by entering the first letters of their display name ... sts. Any branch of this tree can be opened/closed by pressing the +/- icons next to each category. ==... ===Version 5 and later=== You can select contacts by selecting the checkbox for their row in the grid.
- How to limit size of sent mail @how_to
- can be sent * Limit the size of mail accepted by the SMTP component of VPOP3 * Limit the size se... If you send attachments, they will typically grow by about 33% during sending, so a limit of 20MB will... ed because of that. =====Limit the size accepted by the SMTP component===== This option will limit all messages accepted by the SMTP component, regardless of who they are fr
- Spam Quarantine @how_to
- ======Spam Quarantine====== By default, when the VPOP3 spam filter detects a message as being spam, it... e. Users can release messages from the quarantine by going to their webmail page and selecting the mes... view & release messages in any user's quarantine by going to **Settings -> Spamfilter Settings -> Qua... Viewer**. You can search for quarantined messages by recipient, sender, subject, etc ====As a VPOP3 U
- Seeing where a message came from @how_to
- Received: from mail.example.com ([]) by lmail.pscs.co.uk ([] running VPOP3) ... co.uk>; Thu, 20 Oct 2011 09:36:35 +0100 Received: by example.com (Postfix) for support@pscs.co.uk; Thu... 0 Received: from [] ([]) by example.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 891688127.178... - Received: from [] ([]) by example.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 891688127.178
- Socket Error 10053 - An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine. @how_to
- Error message after sending RCPTTO: - error 0 - text 550 5.7.1 Relaying not allowed! Bad sender IP address @how_to