Fulltext results:
- Prune Rules
- d to create/edit rules which cause messages to be automatically deleted according to specified criteria. To add ... r sent. If the Age is set to 365, then VPOP3 will automatically delete any messages which were received by VPOP3 ... tar' important messages so they don't get deleted automatically. ====Deleted==== If the deleted column is check... e is no way to tell when messages will be deleted automatically. * Messages that have been pruned can still be
- Misc -> DNS Tab
- if you have told VPOP3 to detect the DNS servers automatically. You cannot edit this box. If you want to chang... box, and uncheck the **Try to detect DNS servers automatically** box. ====Manual DNS Server List==== This box l... them with commas. ====Try to detect DNS servers automatically==== If this box is checked, then VPOP3 will use t
- Autoresponder
- Autoresponder====== An autoresponder is a way of automatically replying to messages as they arrive in a user's m... all your holidays for the year ahead, so it will automatically turn on and off at the appropriate times. =====C... ponder. Usually it will select this autoresponder automatically, but if it doesn't, pressing **Go** will select t
- SMTP Service -> Advanced Tab
- st==== If this option is checked, then VPOP3 will automatically add a 'Date:' header field to locally sent messag... ader fields, so all email sending software should automatically add it, but occasionally you may encounter some b... ger to check the recipient email address is valid automatically without having to have a complete list of valid a
- Address Book tab
- tact ===Version 4=== * Click **New Entry** - this automatically creates a contact with prepopulated default value... creates a new message tab with the **To:** field automatically populated with the selected contact's email addre
- What's new in version 5 webmail?
- ced** link at any time. We have done our best to automatically detect whether a device requires the mobile compa... this may not have happened. If you think you are automatically sent to the wrong webmail version, go into the mo
- SMTP Server -> IDS/IPS
- track attack attempts on the SMTP service and can automatically block IP addresses which try to do bad things. =... dd an entry to the Never Block list, then it will automatically be removed from the Block List if the address is
- Security Settings -> Intrusion Protection Tab
- , and after those 30 minutes, the IP address will automatically be unblocked. ====Manage Block List==== This let... dd an entry to the Never Block list, then it will automatically be removed from the Block List if the address is
- POP3 Mail Collection
- f the remote POP3 server, that remote server will automatically undelete any messages which were deleted during t... o with the incoming message which it can't handle automatically * **Send an Error Message to Main Administrator
- Spamfilter White/Blacklists
- tailed below: - **auto** - the entry was added automatically (whitelist only) - **manual** - the entry was a... *autoaddedby:**<name> - compare the address which automatically added the entry to the specified value (using wil
- Calendar.Events table
- dicating when the event was created - this is set automatically by a trigger * lastupdate - this is a timestamp... ing when the event was last updated - this is set automatically by a trigger * filename - this is the iCalendar
- ListServer Commands
- nsubscribing you totally. The second variant will automatically re-enable sending messages to your email address
- Autoresponder Commands
- you use this command, the message will no longer automatically go to the original message's sender * **<To: FR
- Webmail -> Advanced tab
- ostmaster&password=admin to go to the Webmail and automatically log in using the specified details For a bit mor
- Autoresponders - v3 and v4
- only receive one automatic response back. The **Automatically clear log of responded to senders** option works