Fulltext results:
- SMTP Server Lua Scripting @reference
- RBLResults()** - (VPOP3 Enterprise Only) - called after the RBL checks have been performed * **GetMaxMe... ved by VPOP3 * **MessageLine()** - (v5+) called after processing each message line received by VPOP3 ... OP3 Enterprise) This function is called by VPOP3 after the RBL (Realtime Black List) processing has take... ** value is TRUE if this function is being called after a //EHLO// command, or FALSE if it's being called
- Mail Sender Advanced Settings @reference
- only send those messages during this connection. After sending (or attempting to send) those messages, V... means that VPOP3 will retry a message 10 minutes after first trying to send it. If that fails as well, t... long. It is then a good idea to slow down retries after a while, so that messages which are not going for... be outdated if they eventually arrive. ====Warn after==== The **Warn after** time tells VPOP3 to send a
- Spam Filter Rules: Assignments @reference
- cify the value of the variable to equal the value after the assignment operator | ^+= |Add the numeric value after the assignment operator to the current numeric va... f the variable | ^-= |Subtract the numeric value after the assignment operator from the current numeric ... umeric value of the variable by the numeric value after the assignment operator | ^/= |Divide the curren
- Repairing corrupted database @how_to
- s) the database system will automatically recover after power failures etc, if it can. If it can't then t... em messages, so it is a good idea to run it again after fixing any problems, until this script doesn't fi... LE messages.foldermessages DISABLE TRIGGER USER; After doing the deletions, re-enable the triggers by do... l#GUC-ZERO-DAMAGED-PAGES ====Rebuild database==== After you have done this, we strongly recommend doing a
- Scheduled Task Script @reference
- ur functions are called approximately those times after the previous call of the function, but this is no... me variations. The 1 day function is called just after midnight every day. Note that the functions are called one after another, not concurrently, so after VPOP3 has been running for 5 minutes, it will call ''Sched1Min()'' *
- Message Rules @reference
- ther rules, but you can use the **Stop Processing after this rule** 'Action' to make VPOP3 stop after processing a matched rule. =====Adding or Editing a Rule=... tch Available actions are: * **Stop Processing after this rule** - VPOP3 will not process further rules after finishing processing this rule * **Flag Message
- Error Message Handling @how_to
- d report the first error 10 minutes (600 seconds) after the first time it got an error So, 0~600~0~0~... 0~600~3600~86400~10060 would report 10060 errors after 10 minutes of errors, then after another 1 hour of errors, then every day afterwards (unless it gets a s
- SMTP Rule Example - restrict who can send to a local email address @how_to
- w_to:smtprule_aabb2.png|}} This rule **must come after** the above rule, and will block messages to the ... to:smtprule2_aabb.png|}} The last rule must come after the others to block all other senders from sendin... _to:smtprule2_aabb2.png|}} This rule **must come after** the above rule, and will allow messages to the
- "Error Sending Message After Authentication" in Webmail @how_to
- ======"Error Sending Message After Authentication" in Webmail====== If you get an error while sending a ... using Webmail, such as "**Error sending message after authentication - error 0 - text 502 Error: comman... erver, not by VPOP3 - the **Error sending message after authentication** section will be the same though.
- VPOP3 Deleting messages as 'old' messages @how_to
- oad the message again, and then, the correct time after it downloaded the message it will delete the mess... s which is that sometimes a message may re-appear after being deleted, or may occasionally just spontaneo... unique IDs which it has seen for a few days even after the message has disappeared (in case it comes bac
- Move VPOP3 Version 3 or 4 to a new PC @how_to
- , then delete the VPOP3\pgsql from the **new PC** after the copy has finished Note that if you are movin... nstead of in **HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software**, so, after creating the .REG file, run NotePad and load in t... from the default, you may wish not to change them after moving VPOP3) * **HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\
- Mail Not Downloading From ISP @how_to
- ISPs have been known to make messages 'reappear' after they have previously 'disappeared', so this facil... r, some other ISPs will re-use Unique IDs shortly after the previously using message was deleted. So, VPO... stance, the ISP doesn't actually delete a message after VPOP3 has asked it to. (See also [[VPOP3 Deletin
- How To Upgrade VPOP3 @how_to
- l need a [[upgrade licence key|new licence key]]. After version 5, then you can upgrade to any version us... l both cause problems when you try to start VPOP3 after the upgrade. *Installing the VPOP3 software to ... upgraded version may take a long time to start up after the upgrade. This is because it has to migrate so
- Spam Filter Rules: IfMatch @reference
- arches the text of any HTML parts of the message, after stripping out tags and converting HTML to plain t... ^url |This searches all the URLs in the message after they have been decoded (e.g. %xx encodings have b... ou can modify this behaviour by adding characters after the final '/' character: ^i |The search will be
- Problems accessing VPOP3 Settings @how_to
- cannot access the settings. If you have problems after this with VPOP3 v5 or later, see: * [[non-admi... [[Lost Password|here for some suggestions]]. - After logging in, go to the **Web Mail/Admin Server** t... n we recommend that you still change them here, and then change them back after you have restored access.