Fulltext results:
- SMTP Server Lua Scripting @reference
- RBLResults()** - (VPOP3 Enterprise Only) - called after the RBL checks have been performed * **GetMaxMe... ved by VPOP3 * **MessageLine()** - (v5+) called after processing each message line received by VPOP3 ... OP3 Enterprise) This function is called by VPOP3 after the RBL (Realtime Black List) processing has take... ** value is TRUE if this function is being called after a //EHLO// command, or FALSE if it's being called
- Spam Filter Rules: Assignments @reference
- cify the value of the variable to equal the value after the assignment operator | ^+= |Add the numeric value after the assignment operator to the current numeric va... f the variable | ^-= |Subtract the numeric value after the assignment operator from the current numeric ... umeric value of the variable by the numeric value after the assignment operator | ^/= |Divide the curren
- Mail Sender Advanced Settings @reference
- only send those messages during this connection. After sending (or attempting to send) those messages, V... means that VPOP3 will retry a message 10 minutes after first trying to send it. If that fails as well, t... long. It is then a good idea to slow down retries after a while, so that messages which are not going for... be outdated if they eventually arrive. ====Warn after==== The **Warn after** time tells VPOP3 to send a
- Error Message Handling @how_to
- d report the first error 10 minutes (600 seconds) after the first time it got an error So, 0~600~0~0~... 0~600~3600~86400~10060 would report 10060 errors after 10 minutes of errors, then after another 1 hour of errors, then every day afterwards (unless it gets a successful connection, in which ca
- Outgoing Message Scripting @reference
- h, Priority, Headers, Message, HoldSeconds, DeleteAfterSeconds)** * AuthenticatedSender - The VPOP3 us... e held before being sent (0 = no time). * DeleteAfterSeconds - The current number of seconds before the... ld for the specified number of seconds. * DeleteAfter - If this is set to 'none', then it is never dele... e YYYYMMDDHHMMSS then the message will be deleted after that time, otherwise it will be deleted after the
- How To Upgrade VPOP3 @how_to
- l need a [[upgrade licence key|new licence key]]. After version 5, then you can upgrade to any version us... l both cause problems when you try to start VPOP3 after the upgrade. *Installing the VPOP3 software to ... upgraded version may take a long time to start up after the upgrade. This is because it has to migrate so... upgrade for you, or help with any reconfiguration afterwards will be chargeable). If you can not do the
- Scheduled Task Script @reference
- ur functions are called approximately those times after the previous call of the function, but this is no... me variations. The 1 day function is called just after midnight every day. Note that the functions are called one after another, not concurrently, so after VPOP3 has been running for 5 minutes, it will call ''Sched1Min()'' *
- Repairing corrupted database @how_to
- s) the database system will automatically recover after power failures etc, if it can. If it can't then t... em messages, so it is a good idea to run it again after fixing any problems, until this script doesn't fi... LE messages.foldermessages DISABLE TRIGGER USER; After doing the deletions, re-enable the triggers by do... l#GUC-ZERO-DAMAGED-PAGES ====Rebuild database==== After you have done this, we strongly recommend doing a
- Message Rules @reference
- ther rules, but you can use the **Stop Processing after this rule** 'Action' to make VPOP3 stop after processing a matched rule. =====Adding or Editing a Rule=... tch Available actions are: * **Stop Processing after this rule** - VPOP3 will not process further rules after finishing processing this rule * **Flag Message
- The message could not be loaded. Please return to the Quarantine page and try again @how_to
- sgid=Q01d07d6106d1e384000002ed.dat&... The value after 'msgid=' (beginning with Q and ending with .DAT) ... with folders inside it. The subfolders are called after the first few characters of the filename (after the Q), so in the above case, it would be 'VPOP3\_quaran
- POP3 Client Lua Scripting @reference
- the remote server. * **MessageLine()** - called after VPOP3 has processed a line of a message from the ... remote server. * **ProcessMessage()** - called after VPOP3 has downloaded a message from the remote se... * Delete boolean - should the message be deleted after retrieving * Ignore boolean - should the mess
- Error Messages @how_to
- ent - Nesting Level too deep]] *[[Error message after sending RCPTTO - error 0 - text 550 5.7.1 Relayin... ====WebMail error===== *[[Error sending message after authentication|Error sending message after authentication - error 0 - text 502 Error: command not implem
- Installation checklist @how_to
- tains some things you may want to check before or after installing VPOP3 to make sure it's not going to e... asically, small writes are incredibly slow. =====After installation===== (Some of these can be performed... but we've put them here, because you can do them afterwards if you forgot beforehand.) * Make sure th
- Problems accessing VPOP3 Settings @how_to
- cannot access the settings. If you have problems after this with VPOP3 v5 or later, see: * [[non-admi... [[Lost Password|here for some suggestions]]. - After logging in, go to the **Web Mail/Admin Server** t... n we recommend that you still change them here, and then change them back after you have restored access.
- VPOP3 Deleting messages as 'old' messages @how_to
- oad the message again, and then, the correct time after it downloaded the message it will delete the mess... s which is that sometimes a message may re-appear after being deleted, or may occasionally just spontaneo... unique IDs which it has seen for a few days even after the message has disappeared (in case it comes bac